Updates Coming for Pet Medallions…



In our last release we changed Webkinz forever with the ability for players to earn free pets just by regularly playing the game. Your response has been overwhelmingly positive to this new feature. Who doesn’t like free stuff?


We have also heard your requests to make the medallions easier to collect. And we will be making some exciting changes in this regard.


First though, let us explain that yes, we rolled out Pet Medallions knowing that they would be difficult to collect a lot of them over this first release. We did this for two reasons:


  1. We want trading in your medals for a new pet to be exciting. Like that first time you traded in your Gems for the legendary Crown of Wonder. Something that you worked hard for and that is very satisfying when you succeed at reaching your goal.


  1. To get that balance right, it’s always easier to add new methods of collection, than it is to take methods away.


So far we’ve had three ways to collect:


  1. Our initial floating medallion event that awarded one per day.
  2. Our arcade prize system that can award up to 10 per day.
  3. Our Daily Gift award, as many of you were surprised to discover as we kept this one a secret for you to find


Starting in our next release we will be making the following changes to give you even more chances to find medallions:


  1. We are significantly improving the odds of getting a prize drop when reaching a good score in the arcade, and we’re improving the odds of your prize being a pet medallion.


  1. We are improving the odds of getting a medallion from the Daily Gift.


  1. Starting in August, Deluxe Members will receive pet medallions in their monthly Gift Box in addition to the current monthly awards.


  1. We will be adding Medallions to the Wheel of Wow and as prizes for some of our Daily Activities in a future release. We had hoped to have these in the next release but we’ve run into some technical issues.


  1. Finally, in our August release we will be replacing the current Magic W floaty-clicky prize pool with Pet Medallions! Yes, you’ll have a chance to find another pet medallion every day!


We are also adding another SIX pets for you to collect in this next release, taking the total available up to 18. Here’s a sneak peek of these pets:








Do you have a favorite medallion pet? Let us know in the comment section below…


182 Responses to Updates Coming for Pet Medallions…

  1. pinkiesjs says:

    Does this mean that the current Magic W ‘Superfan’ prizes will no longer be available?

  2. lazygal says:

    I have to admit that the stone lion is also a rare webkinz just like the mystical panda, but I did spend money on trying to get this rare panda which I am happy to have it this way.

  3. bewhiskered says:

    Very well said. I’m glad this is changing.

  4. winterpixie says:

    The Tuxedo Cat, Raccutie, and Cotton Candy bunny are my absolute favorites out of these. This feature is a nice addition to Webkinz World, aw. (-,,:

  5. Camila2007 says:

    OMG !!! Thanks webkinz! every day that I enter I like more and more the game .. I know the game since April and well I am very active. The pet medallions is cool since I love everything for free. So I’m looking forward to that update
    ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡THANK YOU!!

  6. behe123 says:

    Raccutie and Mystical Panda are very cute! ♡♡♡

  7. obvsamermaid says:

    Hello, I just wanted to make a suggestion to add coins to the prize pool for digging in the Adventure Park as well. It would be nice to have the potential to win medallions, it might encourage people to buy extra digs!! :)

  8. dwtsfan says:

    thank you

  9. catladyinpajamas says:

    I have finished the 8th level several times and received nothing. If I finish before the 8th level I have received a coin or furniture. This has been for several days. Before that I would receive a medallion only one of the times I reached the 8th level the other times I reached the 8th level I received nothing. I think the machine is set to give one out a day, not 10 a day. I will check to see what other players have to say before I quit. Maybe it needs to warm up or something? But if it gives out 10 coins a day I should have a lot more than I do because I have played a lot!!

    • Sollace says:

      Count your medallions each day and see if there’s an increase even if you weren’t ‘awarded’ one. Sometimes I pause longer when a game is done to wait and see if a medallion is awarded. (Slow computer). I also play a game multiple times and that betters the odds.

  10. ZANY says:

    I really dont think GANZ cares about the players who spent lots of money AND time trying to find the Mystical Panda through the trading cards. This is very unfair of them to give the Mystical Panda out through trading cards. If you make a pet RARE, you should keep to your word and keep it rare!! This is wrong!

    • ZANY says:

      I meant to say its unfair of GANZ to give the Mystical Panda out through the medallions!… Please keep this pet RARE for the people who spent the money and the time getting this pet through the trading cards!

    • MommaSays says:

      Lucky You!! Then all of those Panda pet medallions can go to collect for that VERY Rare Stone Lion!! While everyone else is collecting for that Mystical Panda, you could be well on your way to winning THAT one!

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