Due to an issue beyond our control, as of January 1, 2021, Webkinz Classic will no longer work on browsers. The Flash plug-in, which is required for our site to run will not be supported by browsers after December 31, 2020.
The good news is that Webkinz Classic has a downloadable Desktop App that functions exactly the same way as our original site, but it doesn’t require a browser in order to play!
To make sure your play is uninterrupted, it’s important to download the Desktop App as soon as possible.
Ask your parents for help downloading the Desktop App and installing it on your computer.
Downloading the app is simple. Just visit the Webkinz homepage, and click one of the download buttons. There is a version for Windows and a version for Mac.
When the download has completed click on the wxsetup.exe in Windows or wxsetup.dmg on Mac in your Downloads folder and follow the prompts.
Once it is installed, you’re all set! You can continue to enjoy the same game you know and love!
And remember – you must install the Webkinz Classic Desktop App before January 2021 in order to enjoy uninterrupted play.
Can you have the desktop app on an ipad? I hope so.
Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but I’m going to miss the ads in the browser version. I use both the browser version and the desktop app, but I like how the browser version reminds me to visit WebKinz Newz. :)
radish35 I had that same feeling when I downloaded the desktop app in April, so I get what you mean.
Hi, I’m just wondering, will the option to watch 10 video ads each day and receive either 200 Kinzcash per video or a prize per video transfer to the desktop app? I’ve been earning 2,000 Kinzcash each day by watching these videos on the website version of Webkinz and would hate to see that option go away! Thanks so much!
ShmooPerson I’m hoping that GANZ will put some thought into making that happen!
I watch the 10 videos in the desktop app every day. I actually like them better than the browser version.
Thank you Ganz for creating the desktop app so that we can all continue to play Classic Webkinz. I have enjoyed it for 14 years. Thanks again.
Does Adobe Flash need to be removed before the new App will work? A lot of desktop features can’t be seen: bottom icon bar, time, date, the X to close the window, the mouse and the arrows to shrink the size of the window.
Hi @barnkeeper! Don’t remove Flash from your computer. Browsers like Firefox and Chrome will no longer support Flash in 2021, but the Desktop App of Classic Webkinz will use it on your computer, as far as I understand. Sally once shared that you can access your homescreen by pressing “Alt” “Tab”. I’ve been using the Desktop App exclusively since early October when the on-line version bogged down too much for me to play, and I haven’t had many problems. If I’m waiting for a pet request so I can fill a care heart meter, I use Sally’s suggestion and come over to WKN to read all of the latest updates. Give it a try, and good luck!
Thank you for that ALT/TAB tip, Beckinz8. Worked like a charm! I can jump to other open sites without having to log out of Webz. Real time saver. Now, do you have any ideas on how to make the new App screen smaller so I can see the tool bar, the date & time, that are now sunk below the frame of the screen. Can’t even get to the double arrows that will pull the margins in. Thanks again for your help. Brilliant advice.
but on desktop app we cant do everything we can on computor :(
I wish there were options for screen size. I like that there is an option for full screen play now, but I sometimes like to watch netflix or youtube in a tab to the side and I wish that could at least be an option still. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things; I’m just happy we can still play Classic even without flash! Seriously, thank you Webkinz for that!!
Unfortunately that doesn’t work on the mac.
This is interesting. I see that several player’s don’t like the Full Screen. Personally it’s been a huge help for me as my eyesight has never been the best.
I find the full screen nice, but how do you increase the size of the games. They seem to be very tiny to me. The wheel of wow is tiny even though I like the size of the dock. Help, I want to see what I am doing!!!
Hi megamom. Ditto n ditto ! nonoonesfriend
Will I still be able to play on my Firefox?
The Desktop App does not require a browser for you to play.
Are you going to make it so that the passwords can be saved?? I even had to put in my passwords on Ganz World!
No. Flash is being removed from all browsers. Download to play is the only way to continue.
Thank you! It looks like I’ll be deleting my Account