Due to an issue beyond our control, as of January 1, 2021, Webkinz Classic will no longer work on browsers. The Flash plug-in, which is required for our site to run will not be supported by browsers after December 31, 2020.
The good news is that Webkinz Classic has a downloadable Desktop App that functions exactly the same way as our original site, but it doesn’t require a browser in order to play!
To make sure your play is uninterrupted, it’s important to download the Desktop App as soon as possible.
Ask your parents for help downloading the Desktop App and installing it on your computer.
Downloading the app is simple. Just visit the Webkinz homepage, and click one of the download buttons. There is a version for Windows and a version for Mac.
When the download has completed click on the wxsetup.exe in Windows or wxsetup.dmg on Mac in your Downloads folder and follow the prompts.
Once it is installed, you’re all set! You can continue to enjoy the same game you know and love!
And remember – you must install the Webkinz Classic Desktop App before January 2021 in order to enjoy uninterrupted play.
Are there plans to minimize the desktop app to be in line with the browser version?? We have always had multiple users in one household who log on and play tournament games with one another. You can’t do that with this desktop app. Using full screen ruins many things, no ad’s to the side, no multiple accounts open at the same time to play against each other for challenge completions. I don’t understand why it was created this way to begin with. You also now how a log in screen that doesn’t allow access to webkinznews etc. Will this flash thing effect us accessing Wekinznews after the first and the estore? The estore uses flash because you can’t see a lot of pics without allowing it to use flash.
we have Chrome and it’S not correct is there a fix?
Ganzworld, what should I do if I use chrome? I need help!
A thought for anyone having problems playing Webkinz Classic with the download. After you have downloaded the game as per instructions, make sure that you go to your Launchpad (on Mac) or Starter button (for PC) and open the Webkinz Classic from there. You can’t use your old Webkinz icon now for the game. You still can for Newz or EStore. The game has to be played from the new icon (it has rounded corners). I hope this can you to be up and playing.
my app will not load anymore and I cannot find anything but the canada version in microsoft atore
Uninstall the Desktop App, then download it again from webkinz.com and install
The two desktop apps obviously won’t work with a Chromebook. Do you have something coming out to support a Chromebook?
I hope it works with Chromebooks soon, too!
I downloaded the windows version. I am curious if the iPad app will be updated to include more of the full game functions instead of just the few basic things we will be able to do on it now.
hi, I did this, hope I can still play, will it carry on outomatically, signed worried person, I love webkinz world.
If I have already downloaded the app a long time ago do I need to re-download or will it update automatically?
Does any one know how to make it fit the screen so when you are in the clubhouse or park you are able to use the chat bar at the bottom. Mine is off screen and when Alyssa shows up you can only see a small tip of her wing at the side of the screen.