Webkinz Next Vampire Kitten Giveaway!


What would you name this creepy but cute pet? Enter your answer in the Contests page between now and 3pm, Thursday, October 12, 2023 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Webkinz Next Vampire Kitten!


Please note: Please include your email and username in your entry in the Contests section – NOT in the comments below! – so that we can contact you in the event that you win. 

Enter now!


Visit our social media platforms for a chance to be entered into a random draw there too!

22 Responses to Webkinz Next Vampire Kitten Giveaway!

  1. kaye10 says:


  2. wildchild009 says:

    I would name her Shadow

  3. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    I’m naming that vampire kitten Ash

  4. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    My black and white cat that died is named Mittens

  5. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    That’s a sad story I lost my black and white 4 years ago I loved him so much but then he died of a disease but then I got a new cat and his name is Ezra he’s a orange tabby cat :) like thay say there’s good endings to every story!

  6. snuggles56100 says:

    is this just for next?

  7. forestsprite says:

    Yayyy usually I can’t do the random giveaways since I get an email not associate error or something, but this one worked for me! I love black kitties, I have one in real life ^-^

    • _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

      Aww!! We used to have one YEARS ago and he meant a lot to us <3 he came to us in about 2007 or 2008 and we named him "Black Kitten." We had to move in 2014 (we used to live out in the country) and it was so hard saying goodbye to him because he was like family to us and he was so nice. (He was an outdoor cat as indoor cats are out of the question lol (my parents don't like fur all over everything and I'm super allergic to cats)) I don't really like cats, but I did love him. <3

  8. Springshimmer says:

    Ooh! This sounds a lot of fun! I would love to have this kitty lol. I wish you good luck to all others who are also entering this! ^^

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