Visit Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand!


UPDATE: Having trouble claiming your grand prize? Once you have collected your chocolate from Webkinz Newz and return to the park, make sure you dispose of all the litter you have collected so the trash bag icon will be removed from the lower right corner of your screen. Then, you will be able to see the chocolate collection icon and can click on it to get your Sweetheart Theater.


Collect chocolates from Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand at the Kinzville Park on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App!



There are six chocolates to collect. Five can be collected from Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand, but one is only available from Webkinz Newz. From February 7 – 14, look for the floating Cosmic Crunch Chocolate on, and click on it to send it back to your Webkinz Classic account. Here’s a look at this year’s chocolates:



Players who manage to collect all six chocolates by Valentine’s Day will win this year’s grand prize: a Sweetheart Theater!



Did you manage to win the grand prize? Let us know in the comment section below…


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18 Responses to Visit Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand!

  1. succuboo says:

    I was not awarded anything but I have all 6 chocolates.. Im confused. When I click the chocolate seller it doesn’t do anything now either.

  2. rlla14 says:

    We won our grand prize tonight…and noticed when the announcement came up, the picture featured is of the Sweetheart Flower Shop rather than the theater. The theater does seem to be what shows up in the dock. With the Flower Shop being the grand prize for the W floaties, it was just a bit confusing when it happened. Nice assortment of chocolates you all come up with. I have never heard of burnt brownie as a flavor, but it is intriguing!!

  3. booksarecool says:

    Anyone have an extra Perfect Pear Chocolate to share?

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