Collect chocolates from Cinnamon at the Kinzville Park on your Webkinz Classic account. You can only collect one a day, but Cinnamon will be handing out chocolates until Valentine’s Day!
There are six chocolates to collect. Five can be collected from Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand, but one is only available right here, on Webkinz Newz. From February 7 – 14, look for the floating chocolate on Webkinz Newz and click on it to send it back to your Webkinz Classic account.
You can also use your estore points to purchase chocolates. Click on the chocolate collection icon at the Kinzville Park to review your collection and purchase chocolates.
Here’s a closer look at each chocolate… delicious!
Players who manage to collect all six chocolates by Valentine’s Day will win this year’s grand prize: A Cinnamon Hot Air Balloon!
Did you manage to win the grand prize? Let us know in the comment section below…
SAME as ALL OTHER PLAYERS! Did NOT receive items
Make sure you recycle or compost any garbage picked up from the park and then click on the collection icon in the lower right.
It’s very sad that they’re STILL doing this! Every time I play any game where I have to collect the last chocolate “floating” by…I NEVER get the prize and always have to contact them. Enough already. If they wanna continue like this, they can keep whatever it is thy’re giving away. I’m DONE! Ugh!
i got the floaty chocolate on here like every page i went on for all of my accounts too so idk whats up
i received them on all 3 of my accounts
did not get balloon prize – got message that it was sent
I collected all of them, but did not receive the prize.
I received message that I earned my prize , but it didn’t appear on my dock
I collected all of them, but did not receive the balloon.
#webkinz #webkinzclassic #webkinz classic #fun #freeplay #games #apps #childhood games #nostalgia #kids #pets #animals #kids games #kids apps #kidcore #kinzcore #kinzblr

If you can’t find an item in your Dock, please contact for assistance. Emails are reviewed Mon- Fri, 9am to 5pm EST.
my prize did not come to my room – message showed up but no balloon