Visit Daisy’s Diner In The Webkinz Clubhouse!


Have you been to Daisy’s Diner in the Webkinz Clubhouse lately? Stop by for a visit and click on Daisy to sample some of her tasty vegetarian dishes!


Each day you’ll have to chance to try one of 14 delicious items, including Fuzzy Frozen Peach Yogurt, Honey Comb Sorbet and AvocaDoe Ice Cream, the 3 recipes she invented with Mr. Moo!


Here’s a look at the menu:





Feed Daisy’s Diner food to your pet as a unique snack or try to collect them all!


Is your pet an aspiring chef? Jump behind the counter and help out Daisy by trying out the Super Chef Stove! Try adding 3 pieces of food to the stove from the W-Shop OR try adding 3 pieces of food you’ve made with a stove, sandwich maker or blender and see if you can discover a new SUPER secret recipe!



What is your favorite item on the menu? Please leave your comments below…




25 Responses to Visit Daisy’s Diner In The Webkinz Clubhouse!

  1. BellErina says:

    I’m vegan, so I was really excited to have Daisy Doe’s Diner added to Webkinz. Vegan is the way to go to help save the planet . Meat especially, uses a terrific amount of resources and the other products are not far behind. You can either just go meatless or use the meat substitutes, which if you haven’t tried lately – you’ll be amazed! Plus I would imagine that anyone interested in Webkinz is interested in animals – to love and cuddle, not have on your plate. The trip there is HORRENDOUS!

  2. cmsrockz1 says:

    I go everyday my pets really like her food and the food fills their hunger chart. I would like to know what happened to Sophie ?????I miss her in her room in the club house .. CMSROCKZ

  3. Beckinz8 says:

    I go all of the time. I love free food! Aren’t there Super Stove recipes that you can make using Daisy’s Diner food? I don’t know what they are, and I don’t want to waste the food on gunk. Let me know if anyone knows. :)

  4. FennecFox says:

    I’m scared of tofu. Please, Daisy, get some real food with real sugar. I hope you don’t use Splenda or Stevia. Yikes. :P

  5. Alphaowlbear says:

    The tasty tomato salad and the strawberry spinach salad look so good! I love them in real life too!

  6. 1Emerald1 says:

    I go to Daisy’s every day & have collected everything except the curry. My pets eat her food with enthusiasm & no complaints. I eat organic whenever I can & occasionally eat vegetarian dishes, some of which really are very good. Though I am NOT a fan of tofu. My next door neighbor is vegetarian & she sure knows how to cook it! Dinner at her house is always a treat. As for me, if I’m fixing a meat-free meal at home it’s always a big salad.

  7. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    The only ones that actually look appetizing are the Colorful Veggie Curry (I love curry, XD), Peach Frozen Yogurt, and the Honeycomb Sorbet. The other ones are just, eh. Avocado Icecream? No thank you, Daisy Doe. XP

  8. kittymade10 says:

    I just got hungry… :P All the food looks delicious!

  9. FreeBird says:

    My pets like the crunchy kale chips!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Er…. personally, I’m not really interested in most of these…..but the peach frozen yogurt and the honeycomb sorbet look sorta nice… and maybe the juices….. but the others don’t look that delicious in my opinion… I honestly don’t really go to Daisy’s diner very often.

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