Visit SantaKinz At The Clubhouse!


He’s back! From December 1 – 24, visit SantaKinz at the Clubhouse on the Webkinz Classic Desktop app, and click on him to tell him what you want for Christmas!




There are three gifts to choose from, but you’ll only be able to pick one. Here’s a look at this year’s choices:




Remember, you must log in to your Webkinz Classic account on December 25, to get your gift. It will be inside your 2024 Christmas Gift Box which is automatically awarded to your Dock when you log in to Webkinz Classic on Christmas Day!


Can’t decide what to choose? When you visit SantaKinz at the Clubhouse, you’ll also be able to use your eStore points to get all 3 gifts… instantly! When you buy a gift from SantakKnz you won’t have to wait until Christmas Day to get it. It will be added to your Dock right away!


Which gift will you be asking SantaKinz for? Let us know in the comment section below…



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17 Responses to Visit SantaKinz At The Clubhouse!

  1. dawnshome says:

    no Ms. Birdy this morning, she’s not showing up?

  2. glamor759 says:

    I would like to purchase the other gifts but it says they are 99,999?????? Please fix this.

  3. Bubblilious1 says:

    I have a question about the SANTA PHOTOS. I would like to take more photos with my pets. I am not asking for more prizes. Is there a way to make this possible? I’d like to enter the room with one pet and get my photo taken, then go back in with another one. If your are worried about the room being crowded maybe we could have a maximum per day like three. I have been collecting my Santa photos since 2019 and I love having them with my fur babies.

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