Vote For Our Next Room Theme!


Hello again Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! From Monday June 6th (starting at 10am)  – Wednesday June 8th (ending at noon) you’ll be able to vote for a new room theme that will be released in the W-Shop for KinzCash!


You’ll have 3 themes to choose from (see concept drawings below). Look over each concept drawing carefully because once the winning theme has been decided, the concept drawing will be used as inspiration for the rest of the items that will be included in the theme.


The first one you’ll have to choose from is the “It’s Fun to be Young” theme. This theme would have bright, colorful pieces of furniture that would be found in a kid’s bedroom. The walls and floors will be neutral colors but there will be specific “boy” AND “girl” themed items included in this theme:



Next is the “Outdoor Living” theme. This theme would feature pieces of furniture from an “outdoor living room” including high-end patio furniture with modern accents and colors:



Your third and final choice will be the “Hotel” theme. This theme would have bright, colorful furniture that would be found in a hotel lobby, restaurant, and hotel room. Here’s a look at the concept drawing for the Hotel Lobby Chair:



Don’t forget to vote for your favorite room theme from June 6th –  June 8th (ending at noon). Click on the Room Theme Vote article that will be posted on June 6 to cast your vote!


Which theme will you be voting for? Please leave your comments below…


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz!


248 Responses to Vote For Our Next Room Theme!

  1. ninjamaster says:

    Hotel room theme pleaseee

  2. shalta321 says:

    The hotel theme is my favourite for sure!

  3. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    It seems like lots of people are going to vote for the “Fun to be Young” theme, ONLY because they want the owl chair. Although the Fun theme sounds really cool, I am going to vote for the Outdoors theme. I have been wanting to make a Patio for my Webkinz as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the Fun to be Young theme, but…it seems like we’ve had other room themes that are sorta similar to this one, so my vote goes to the Outdoor theme. :)

    • Fracktail says:

      Cool! My vote still goes to the Fun to be Young theme because I’m a sucker for kiddy cartoony things. I mean, all three themes are cool, but the toony theme of this one is just too perfect for me to pass up :’D

  4. RosyFox says:

    Hmmm…this is going to be really hard for me to pick just one! I think I’m going to have to think about it some more…at least I still have five days. XD

  5. pigknucklesmomginger says:

    Definately the hotel theme… it is so elegant!!

    • miop5 says:

      The hotel theme is cute…..but the owl chair is adorable! but also, what if the rest of the theme is really babyish and we all hate it? I can’t decide which one I want!!!

  6. sewnina says:

    I love the idea of the “Fun to be Young” theme. I hope it wins.

  7. Jazzystorm says:

    hotel room theme is my wish!

  8. foxmillionair says:

    either the first or second for sure

  9. katriana says:

    The hotel theme is my favourite for sure! It would let us be more creative than with another regular room theme

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