Vote For Your Favorite Mayoral Candidate!



Help us decide who will become the next mayor of Kinzville by voting for your favorite candidate below!


If you haven’t already, please read over each campaign speech carefully to learn about each candidate’s campaign promise:






When you are ready, click the Vote Now button to vote:



Who did you vote for? Let us know in the comment section below…


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43 Responses to Vote For Your Favorite Mayoral Candidate!

  1. DownBadCrying says:

    Lets Go Arte!!!

  2. Woof02120 says:

    Does anyone have an extra Sophia Souffle or Arte Fact hat they could send me?

  3. dixiecup says:

    For me it’s a toss up, between Incumbent Mayor Goober and Arte. I like them both and I think they would both be great Mayors. Goober has already proven to be awesome, especially because it looks like he’s brought a lot of people back to Webkinz and made such a fun space for us. I love that the wheels always have something new on them and he brought us an exciting Mega Challenge! He is really invested in Webkinz World and does his best. Arte hasn’t really ever been a part of the Mayoral scene, but he is a dear character with a lot of good in his heart, sharing the gem mine for all of Kinzville, helping us make our own Crown’s of wonder, seeking the ends of the Kinzdom to find the most amazing Rare antiquities and making them available for everyone. He knows the history, now will he be the future?

  4. marie111900 says:

    Goober :)

  5. davids1lilpixie says:

    I vote for Sophia Souffle! :)

  6. pancake187 says:

    C’MON DEBBIE!!!!

  7. wieser says:

    VOTE ARTE !!!!

  8. arcanineespeon says:

    How funny it is to not see Sophie, Dr. Quack, or Dex running…but I like it!

    • arcanineespeon says:

      Not to mention that the candidates include my long time favorite, Arte (during 7 years of not playing, I never forgot his voice!) and two characters I don’t even recognize, which is so exciting! It’s a little concerning, though. How did Sophia and Debbie never make an impact on me? Did they not exist in 2012?

  9. Kollin12345 says:

    Arte Fact for Mayor! We need more Curio Shop Rare Themes!

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