Wacky Weekend Starts Today!


Look for packs of Wacky Gummies floating across your screen on Webkinz Classic, and click on them to collect gummies!



Your gummies will be added to your Dock. Every time you feed your pet a pack of Wacky Gummies, you’ll have the chance to win Wacky Cupcake Tree Seeds!



Drag the seeds into your pet’s room to plant a Wacky Cupcake Tree. When it’s ready, click on the tree to harvest a Wacky Cupcake that you can feed to your pet!


This event runs until midnight, Sunday, March 23 (EST), on Webkinz Classic. Did you win a pack of Wacky Cupcake Tree Seeds today? Let us know in the comment section below…



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20 Responses to Wacky Weekend Starts Today!

  1. megamom12 says:

    I got one more tree yesterday!

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    Love these trees!! Excited to get more :) =^^=

  3. peanut6chick says:

    So sad….. 4 accounts and NO WACKY TREES. Thats 40 tries and nothing. It has to get better :(

  4. noonesfriend says:

    I think I have a problem – I have played 4 acct.s today and not seen a single floaty clicky. Tried all tips I know, and restarted computer. Nothing. HELP ?!

  5. bear10201 says:

    Is anyone else having trouble purchasing eStore points? I am trying to purchase the bundle with the Great Dane. It wont let me put all 130,000 points to my game account. It tells me I cant deposit more than I am purchasing…….

  6. granma4 says:

    WOW I’m a happy camper. The first 4 bags of gummies gave me trees today!! I hope this keeps up I would love to make a Wacky tree orchard.

  7. strawberrycream12 says:

    Ooh yay, I love seeds!:) thank you!:)

  8. shortordercook says:

    Is there still the chance for your pets to win a Wacky Snack Machine Fridge if they eat the Wacky Cupcakes they harvest?

    • BeezKneez says:

      Yes – it seems to me that I don’t win one very often, but it’s still possible.

    • granma4 says:

      Yes you can get the fridge after about 20 times from both of the trees, the cupcake tree and the snack bar tree. Someone also posted on here that the Orange and Lemon fizz bottles give out the fridge as well. Good Luck, I hope you get one or several.

  9. 7debbie7 says:

    There’s Nothing Quite Like a Wacky Weekend! Good Luck to Everyone in WW! Thanks Ganz.

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