Wacky Weekend Starts Today!


Let’s get Wacky!



From Friday, July 26, to Sunday, July 28 (ending at midnight, EST), look for a tin of Wacky Almonds floating across your screen on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to have it added to your Dock.



Every time you feed your pet Wacky Almonds, you’ll have the chance to win Wacky Nut Bar Tree Seeds!



Drag the seeds into your pet’s room to plant a Wacky Nut Bar Tree. When it’s ready, click on the tree to harvest a Wacky Nut Bar that you can feed to your pet!


Did you manage to win a pack of Wacky Nut Bar Tree Seeds? Let us know in the comment section below…


16 Responses to Wacky Weekend Starts Today!

  1. skylily says:

    A bit disappointed that I only got 2 packets of seeds overall. But still planted them and am waiting for the harvest to hopefully win that Fridge

  2. Redpanda224 says:

    Got one on my first day. Can’t wait to harvest them!

  3. debbie42960 says:

    I just got a wacky nut tree after opening 12 cans yesterday with nothing and on my 11th can today, I got one!

  4. alucard says:

    Love the chance to win some Wacky Nut Tree Seeds. HOWEVER…this has not been a fun Wacky Weekend! The cans floated across the screen fairly often, which was nice but, the “chance” of getting the Wacky Nut Bar Seeds was a MAJOR disappointment! This is not a fun contest when you seldom win a prize! Please….just put the tree seeds in the WShop so we can at least use our KINZCASH for something we really want. Waiting for floating cans and getting nothing when you fed ALL of them to your pet, is very disheartening.

  5. beth7713 says:

    Why didn’t I get a single pack of seeds out of 36 almonds?? The odds were horrible this time. Hope you fix it for next time. It’s not very fun when the odds are zero. :(

  6. emilyboomadison7 says:

    2 trees ,36 almonds ,sorry Webkinz ,you need too do better !

  7. AuntietoEW says:

    The mobile program has not been working with gardening for 1 year. When I click on a seed, it freezes the program. Then it logs out. I have to clear all the files before I can login. This happens with all seeds, trees, dispensers, patio plants, and the Kinzcash Machine. Please respond @sally with what the plan is for repair. Thank you. AuntietoEW

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi @AuntietoEW. I’m glad to hear that it wasn’t just my Android phone. I stopped being able to harvest crops or collect from the dispensers a while ago. Then the game would freeze, or log me out, but I just figured it was my phone saying that it had had enough and was time for a replacement. Because the app had become unusable for me, I uninstalled it. Although I do need to get a new phone, from your reported experience, it sounds like I shouldn’t bother reinstalling the app when I do.

    • percaroma says:

      Why does it seem no one from Ganz/Webkinz responds to this issue? Not being able to reap foods on mobile has been an issue for a while. This event is depressing if you get a tree, but can’t get the food.

  8. granma4 says:

    Love this game but only one tree out of ten almond cans isn’t very much fun. Two accounts didn’t get any. Maybe tomorrow will get better. I still like trying to get wacky trees. I need some more for my Wacky orchard. Good luck everyone.

  9. zdri says:

    Yes I did, and I already have some from past Wacky events.

  10. bubbac4 says:

    I already have so many of these trees

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