Wacky Zingoz Celebration Starts on the 18th







Only two more days until the Wacky Fun starts!

The Wacky Zingoz Celebration runs from August 18 to September 2. This is your chance to win some exclusive Wacky prizes!

During the Wacky Zingoz Celebration be sure to play these Wacky Arcade games:

-          When you hit Wacky over 600 ft in Wacky Zingoz you’ll win the Wacky 600 Trophy. Collect three trophies to receive the Wacky Thrills Badge!

-          When you score over 11,500 in WackyER Zingoz, you receive one of four exclusive costume items!

Wacky will also be floating through Webkinz World offering you the chance to win exclusive prizes simply by clicking on him. You can win one prize per day so be sure to log on every day!

And of course you can also win exclusive prizes during the Wacky Zingoz Celebration by visiting Webkinz Newz!

Let the countdown to Wackiness begin!

42 Responses to Wacky Zingoz Celebration Starts on the 18th

  1. webkinzfan32 says:

    Awesome! Can’t wait for the wackiness to begin!!!

  2. poochielova says:

    i cant wait till the celbration starts!!!! hopefully i will be able to get on in time for some stuff!!!!! :) i hope i iwn some prizes!!!!

  3. Kaleb says:

    Can you get the 600 trophy in wacky zingos extreme?

  4. chocolate19 says:

    Woohoo!! Can’t wait!!

  5. SpottedBeLeopard says:

    I… Want… That… Costume… O_O ~SBL

  6. lovepuppygirl says:

    WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!

  7. SilverWolf says:

    2 days!? CANT WAIT!!!! ☺.♣§ilverW☼lf♣

  8. nihao9 says:

    I can’t wait! I’m so excited for the Wacky Festival to start! P.S……;) -♥nihao9♥

  9. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Wacky celebration sounds really cool! BRING ON the WACKY GANZ!!! >>cathouse2

  10. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Wacky celebration is in two more days! How exciting! I love all of the wacky things that ganz has going on right now! Bring on the WACKY!!!! >>cathouse2 *”>^-^”<*

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