Wacky Zingoz Festival Ends Aug. 10!




Have you been having fun getting wacky this past week with the Wacky Zingoz Celebration?



Today is the last day of the festival, so if you haven’t won all of the new prizes yet, make sure you log on and get playing!




If you haven’t completed the Wacky Zingoz challenge, don’t worry—you have until the end of August to complete it!



What great prizes have you won during this year’s celebration? Let us know in the comments below!


118 Responses to Wacky Zingoz Festival Ends Aug. 10!

  1. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I wish I had the wallpaper

  2. AdamMunn says:

    Hey playnowpuppy we are friends on webkinz and my user is Happy12121212kinz i was wondering how many pets you have? i have 17 also please add cupcup123aaa as a friend

  3. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    These past few events have flown by!

  4. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I wish I could have gotten the wallpaper. I tried and tried but it would never give it to me. I got everything else though.

  5. arzi02 says:

    AW, COME ON!!!!! I MISSED THE WHOLE THING?!?!?!?! SLEEP AWAY CAMP WITH NO INTERNET, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone wants to trade, PLEASE REPLY!!! P.S. I have a lot of stuff, so tell me what you want, and I’ll see what I can do. If you’re willing to trade more then one item, tell me and list how many things you want.(Example: a wacky wind up toy and a wacky trophy pedestal for . . . I don’t know . . . two other things.) P.P.S. I’m not deluxe.

    • jiology says:

      If you can tell me what you’ve got to trade, I can pretty much trade everything! i’ve got everything including extra master 600 trophies- I would love to trade!

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