Wallpaper and flooring Vote results are in!


We’ve tabulated the results of our fan-designed wallpaper and flooring vote to decide where each wallpaper and flooring combination would be sold or given away after our next update on July 3, 2019.


Based on your votes, the results are as follows.


#1 to be sold in W Shop

Obsevatory by Stardust 51001

#2 to be sold in Ganz eStore

The Loft by MSAMommy

 #3 to be given away as prizes

Ocean Overlook by QTPie0202

Watch for these beautiful wallpapers and floorings at the W Shop and at Ganz eStore after our next update on July 3, 2019, and watch for chances to win the Ocean Overlook in upcoming events!

49 Responses to Wallpaper and flooring Vote results are in!

  1. Bubblilious1 says:

    I had a busy weekend and didn’t get to vote. But to the creators, I will be happy to have all of these rooms! I like them all and can’t wait to plan with them.

  2. dlbdaycare says:

    number 1

  3. StephanieB says:

    Wish I could get them all, but going to buy 10 of the Observatory – will work perfectly for another Star Trek room. Live Long and Prosper!

  4. MommaSays says:

    YAY, it’s just the way I hoped it would Be!! Can’t wait to see the floors and papers in the W-shop and estore and I hope we have a great challenge worked out for the Ocean Overlook.

  5. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I’m really bummed that the loft is E-Store. Pittiesrule

  6. KarenaJ says:

    I certainly intend to collect all 3. Congrats to these amazing designers and Webkinz creative team. Thanks for bring us these unique looks.

  7. Powerann says:

    I completely forgot to vote, but love the outcome! Definitely looking forward to getting the Observatory and Ocean Overlook Wallpapers, when available.

  8. whitekitten24 says:

    Aw I liked the loft! Oh well.. the observatory I atleast got and the ocean overlook can be cute for a whale or somethin’.

  9. Unicornluv246 says:

    Oops! Forgot to vote! But the one wallpaper I wanted was the loft. Too bad it’s sold in the estore. XP If anyone could send it when it comes out, I thank you. If it’s not sendable, that’s ok.

  10. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    LOVE Observatory for HALLOWEEN ROOMS !!

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