We Want to Hear From YOU!



Which types of clothing pieces do you most like to win as prizes in Webkinz Next?





Let us know in the comments below, and when you see the survey pop up in Next, please take a moment to select your favorite type of clothing prizes. Your input will help us determine upcoming prizes!



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47 Responses to We Want to Hear From YOU!

  1. bailey292 says:

    Dresses and BOWS! There wasn’t a category for Bows. Nor one for things like doors and windows

  2. beerfeet says:

    Well, I hope it doesn’t limit your future offerings, but I really love fabulous hats like the fascinator hat that we got with the teatime Yorkie, it is adorable, the Royal Headpiece, and the helmet that we’re getting with the current season. Looks like it is going to be beautiful. I have not seen it on a pet yet so I look forward to some more unique headgear. I also really appreciate the jewelry since that’s something we never really had on classic. I am not a fan of the little bracelet with the key hanging off of it or the necklace with the whistle. I prefer the more noticeable pieces like the Legendary necklace of wonder. It certainly hard to say that I prefer one category over another, but I sure appreciate you asking and look forward to more spectacular items. The current season has some really beautiful pieces of clothing. I do really appreciate the summer clothing. You made some really cute tops and shorts.

  3. outgoinglyshy says:

    I would like to see more bow ties for collars and headbands. I love the Shamrock headband from last year. It’s my absolute favorite. My pets have been wearing it all year. :)

  4. stardancing4 says:

    dresses or like the shirt and pants which are one outfit.

  5. alaynaj1212 says:

    I’m surprised that so many people prefer accessories! For me, the shirt/blouse/jacket sets the whole look, so that’s my vote for sure.

  6. BH1464 says:

    I love hats, helmets, headpieces with flowers and or bows in many, many, many more colors, please. I also love dresses or one piece outfits like overalls or one piece suits, etc. We also need a lot more types and colors of shoes. It’s very difficult to make up an outfit that matches out of all of the mix matched pieces. Then trying to find something to also match for the pet’s head and feet is extremely difficult.

  7. GreenSecret says:

    Dresses, shirts or pants. I almost never wear any of the rest, unless my pet asks for them, and then I don’t leave them on for long.

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