We Want to Hear From YOU!



Which types of clothing pieces do you most like to win as prizes in Webkinz Next?





Let us know in the comments below, and when you see the survey pop up in Next, please take a moment to select your favorite type of clothing prizes. Your input will help us determine upcoming prizes!



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47 Responses to We Want to Hear From YOU!

  1. ccutshaw says:

    dress with shoes

  2. buttercup292 says:

    I love the dresses and shoes, but I also love bows and crowns/wreaths for the head and there isn’t a category for those. I know everyone loves big bows!

  3. creek4kids says:

    THE DRESS! Dresses.

  4. johnny416 says:

    Shoes! Cute shoes! There’s not enough shoes in the W shop.

  5. rachelgirl193 says:

    Dresses and Jewellery.

  6. craig456 says:

    1. Jewelry, 2. Backpacks (especially teddy bear, bunny, etc.), 3. Dresses.

  7. MrsSDC says:

    I love all the clothing but my favorites are dresses and jewelry ☺️

  8. Alleycats2012 says:

    Please give us actual Collars! I want a little bell collar for my pers! NOT A NECKLACE, a true COLLAR. Thank you! <3

  9. leaveitnow41s says:

    I like them all!

  10. hlfbkdfae says:

    I would love to see more backpacks prizes. Either that or shirts/pants as I don’t have a lot of clothes for my kinz

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