Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!


Spin each wheel daily to win prizes for you pets, including a new Tabletop Jukebox! The jukebox has been added to the Wheel of WOW on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App and the Webkinz Classic Mobile App, giving you two chances to win one every day!


Available on the Wheel of WOW (desktop app) until July 30, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of WOW (mobile app) until July 30, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of Deluxe until July 30, 2024:



Available on the Vacation Island Wheel until July 30, 2024:



What did you win on our prize wheels today? Let us know in the comment section below…



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39 Responses to Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!

  1. BH1464 says:

    I would really appreciate if one of my Webkinz Friends that has access to the Mobile Wheel of Wow could send me one of the cans of “Party Pop” as I have no other way to obtain one for my collection. Thanks so much, (in advance).

  2. mkd61_mkd says:

    Hi! Mila14. Mamakinz here with my wishes for the day. I like the jukebox and the cake

    • Mila14 says:

      Hi Mamakinz! That chocolate cake looks so delicious. I will definitely send you extras of the jukebox and the cake. Thanks for the amazing gifts you’ve recently sent me. Have an awesome weekend!

      • mkd61_mkd says:

        I am glad you like what I send cause I always appreciate what you send to me. I like the new sheldon souvenirs that are out. would’nt mind some of them if you would’nt mind sending them. I do appreciate it. You are a great friend. Your welcome and I am glad that you like them

  3. alice44 says:

    Can somebody please give me a microwave? sorry but I don’t have good trades, I can give you some farm fresh food though! my username is Alice44 :)

  4. kalcan8 says:

    I landed on the tabletop jukebox before I ever saw this article and I was like… what is this thing?… Okay… thanks? Now I think it’s funny that I got Mayor Goober’s new prize before I even knew what it was. I also got the sunken locker on my first spin. I will have to work on a Davy Jones’ Locker room design. There are some pretty nice prizes on the wheels. Thank you! That nursery rocking chair is the bees knees!!

  5. rosencrantzzz says:

    If it plays music then, I love the jukebox and I hope I get many, many of them. And I hope the slice of cake is presentable. I hope those hot dogs are also presentable and I’m intrigued by that pretty soda can. Hope you could bring back the function to webkinz classic to invite friends over and orginize parties from boxes where you could also invite your friends like it used to be. I loved when the doorbell rang and my friends and I could explore each other’s house. And please bring back all the log out carnival activities to the today activities as an all day every day thing. Also please make the deluxe machine, the kinzcash button, the balloon dartz, the mistery prize, all day, every day activities. Rise the value of stars and jewels, it’s very hard to get them and all of them should cost from a 1000 up, don’t devalue your own product, also please raise the wages at the employment office, so we can buy all the items of the room themes and clothing lines, please consider and apply this. Make more outdoor themes organic to melt into nature, make the rocky theme permanently available at the store with all its items. And make more elegant fountains, pools, ponds, waterfalls, lakes, big ocean tiles, waves, where your pet can sit in, all things water and outdoors, moutains, hills to slide, more wild flowers, more real natural tree varieties that are not so expensive. And more little music boxes, I love those, where can I get more Miss Birdie music boxes, I was only able to get one years ago and I love it, please make it available. You have created such a beautiful world. And I love all my lovely and so generous webkinz friends.Thanks! :)

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi @rosencrantzzz! You are in luck because the ‘Nine Lives Music Box’ is at the Wish Factory right now for 40 tokens. I don’t know if you already have that one, but after I read your comment and I saw it there, I thought that I should let you know. Have a great day!

      • rosencrantzzz says:

        Hi kalcan8, thanks for the information, I didn’t know there was a music box available at the Wish Factory and at a reasonable price; I’ll check it out. You are lucky to have gotten the jukebox so soon. :)

    • Alice44 says:

      I whole heartily agree with you and everything you said <3

  6. marieta906 says:

    I didn’t know where to put this comment, so I’m adding it here. I don’t understand how with almost every update there is an issue with the login for this site. Collecting the marshmallow, food, or monthly box gives a “code error” when trying to login. I know that programming errors do occur, but I don’t understand the repetition every month. Why can’t the issues be fixed the first time??

  7. Alphaowlbear says:

    Great batch of Wheel prizes! I had to look up the cake slice and it is the Black Forest Space Cake from the old party packs and the Party Pop is a retired prize from the loot bags. I’m excited to add these to my food collections as the Party Packs never worked well for me.

    • Alphaowlbear says:

      If the Creepy Cookie and the Glass of Egg Nog were to show up around Halloween and Christmas I would be overjoyed – hint hint ;-)

      • pepsi4324 says:

        You can make the Halloweenog yourself. Recipe is in the Farm Fresh Cookbook in the W-Shop, under the “Stove Recipe” section. Also, you might be able to find the Creepy Cookie recipe in the Webkinz Guide or do a search for Webkinz Creepy Cookie recipe. Most likely, it’s in one of those places. Happy cooking!

        • Alphaowlbear says:

          Thanks for your reply, but the Halloweenog is not the food I need. The foods I mentioned were only available in the old, and now retired Party Packs.

  8. alucard says:

    Love the Table Top Jukebox, the WOW tshirt, the Dex Dangerous Standing Sign, the Bone Blender, and the Under water wardrobe or fridge (?), the best! Thanks Ganz/Team Webkinz! July is looking great! :-)

    • pepsi4324 says:

      I, actually, got the Tabletop Jukebox on one of my accounts today. Excited! It really plays music! Wonder if Howard wrote this one, too. Maybe Sally or Michael know. Would be interested as liked all of his other tunes.

    • gingerdare says:

      It’s a wardrobe!

    • alucard says:

      @pepsi4324 and @gingerdare – Thanks so much for the comments and the help with knowing what the Underwater items was. I LOVE that it’s a wardrobe! Hope I get at least one of those. So far I’ve won KinzCash and Pet Medallians, but I did win one Table Top Jukebox and it is SO CUTE! Plays a cute little 50s sounding song! LOVE IT! Hope I can win a couple more of those! The Bone Blender is what I’m hoping for today! I have a couple of Dog Themed rooms, but it will also look good in one of my Halloween Rooms where I’ve been using the Blue/White Bone theme that you can find in the Curio Shop. Sorry, I forgot the actual name of that theme, but I love all the pieces and use them all the time. Hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July. Good luck on all the Wheels this month! May the Odds be ever in your favor! :-)

  9. pittiesrule says:

    I hope that I land on the Tabletop Jukebox a few times.

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