Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!


Spin each wheel daily to win prizes for you pets, including a new Martial Arts Belt Display that you can hang on a wall and use to store your martial arts belts! The display has been added to the Wheel of WOW on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App and the Webkinz Classic Mobile App, giving you two chances to win one every day!


Available on the Wheel of WOW (desktop app) until August 27, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of WOW (mobile app) until August 27, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of Deluxe until August 27, 2024:



Available on the Vacation Island Wheel until August 27, 2024:



Which prize are you looking forward to collecting the most? Let us know in the comment section below…



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31 Responses to Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!

  1. BH1464 says:

    If any of my mobile friends get an extra pink dino or pretty sushi I would be very grateful to get 1 of each of those. I do not have access to mobile. I only have a desktop computer. No smart phone or other device.

  2. nicetigress says:

    I look forward to winning the Martial Arts Belt Display, the Bowling Ball and Pin Chair, the Blue Shorts, Sushi, Purple Flower Path, Squirrel Plush/Toy/Statue, Soccer Chair, Troop-Sash-Uniform, Surfing Frog Poster, Hawaiian Pants, Yellow Sunglasses, Flip-Flop Food Dish, and Tropical Island Chair. The rest, I either have, or I want, but not as interested as the other stuff that I have mentioned above/before.

  3. bright1234 says:

    The Martial Arts Display, Squirrel and the Surfing Frog Painting

  4. 2002hun says:

    Anyone have an extra throne or desk from the wheel of wishes? I only get snack packs and kinzcash :( still sad i never got the quizzes dining table too lol

  5. noahmaxwell says:

    i’m guessing the wheel of wishes is staying the same?

  6. grandmaback says:

    Martial arts display is awesome. I hope it holds things. The other prizes are pretty cool.

  7. kalcan8 says:

    Soccer chair!!!

  8. 26jld says:

    Anyone have an extra throne that was just on the wheel of wishes? I somehow never got it! Username: 26jld. Many thanks!

  9. pittiesrule says:

    I hope that I land on the Martial Arts Belt Display, Bowling Pin Chair & the pink pants a few times.

  10. raysgirl16 says:

    Those are all great prizes.

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