Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!


Spin each wheel daily to win prizes for you pets, including new Happy Birthday Balloons that you can display on a wall! The balloons have been added to the Wheel of WOW on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App and the Webkinz Classic Mobile App, giving you two chances to win them every day!


Available on the Wheel of WOW (desktop app) until September 24, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of WOW (mobile app) until September 24, 2024:



Available on the Wheel of Deluxe until September 24, 2024:



Available on the Vacation Island Wheel until September 24, 2024:



Did you manage to win the new Happy Birthday Balloons? Let us know in the comment section below…


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21 Responses to Webkinz Classic Wheel Prizes Updated!

  1. mkd61_mkd says:

    Hi Mila. Silly me I meant to post my comment here but I put it by the Updates by Mayor Goober. Hopefully you will see it there. mamakinz10

    • Mila14 says:

      Hi Mamakinz! I saw your post here, so I went and found your comment where you mentioned it was. I made my reply there. Hope you are having an awesome Wednesday! Mila14

  2. kari3097 says:

    Two chairs on the wheel of wow… really? Two that have absolutely nothing to do with back to school (like so many kinzville academy items), or fall. I would love to know how prizes are chosen for the wheels

  3. 2002hun says:

    Does anybody have an extra pair of grandma shoes from the estore customer appreciation day on the 20th? I was getting my wisdom teeth out so i missed it :(

  4. Msamommy says:

    Love the Wheel of Deluxe and the outfit/shoes in vacation wheel, but the Wheel of Wow ones are more like Wheel of disappointments. There are so many great ideas for fresh autumn things. Maybe have a drawing contest for ‘little’ prizes so we can give more input on what we’d love to see. Just a thought. (For example, I LOVE the oven mitts in the new Christmas theme for this year. We need more little fun practical items like those). Thanks!

  5. sunflowers2024 says:

    Great wheel of Deluxe.

  6. loue354 says:

    I love the Vacation wheel prizes. I hope I get the safari outfit.

  7. rosencrantzzz says:

    I hope you could make the Rocky Theme all of it complete with all its elements maybe new items too, permanently available for kinzcash at the store. It is one of the best for outdoors bleending. A rocky theme fountain and more rocky waterfalls where your pet can sit in.

    • KarenaJ says:

      I would give anything if they’d make the terrain tiles and country road or road trip tiles available permanently. There are several types that are so useful, and as a long term player, you just can never have enough of these. It’s frustrating, too, because they are rarely offered so I’m reusing mine all the time and have to rip them out of existing rooms to make new things. They should be available in the Outdoors section to buy as many as you want and need. From desert to tundra to firefly grass, so many lovely, elusive tiles!

      • TropicalGirl says:

        While I think that’s a great idea, KarenaJ, in the meantime I’ll be sending you my extras and hopefully you can use them. Please don’t send anything in return, I’m just glad to see them go to someone who wants them!

  8. pittiesrule says:

    I hope that I can land on the Happy Birthday Sign, Bag of Apples Belt, Gargowl, Bowl of Mac’n'cheese & the Safari outfit a few times. I wish that I could have landed on the Bowling Pin Chair one more time for a room that I’m doing & the Soccer Chair three more times.

    • KayPlotts says:

      I can send you a bowling bowl chair, just fr me kaybear60 or let me know your un and I will send fr.

    • TropicalGirl says:

      Hi pittiesrule! I’m sending you some extra bowling/soccer items I have. Nothing needed in return, I’m just happy to see them go to someone who can use them. Please feel free to sell or give others whatever items you don’t want. Good luck with your decorating!

  9. a5t says:

    The safari outfit! If anyone ends up with excess of those, I’d love them! alyssa5tessa on Classic. LMK if there’s anything I can send in return!

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