Webkinz Classic has many wonderful things that you can use to decorate your pet’s room. However, even if you zoom in, sometimes things are so small it’s hard to appreciate all the detail and work that goes into creating them!
Exclusive Items are randomly awarded inside a pet’s adoption gift. You can also trade in your Wish Tokens for Exclusive Items at the Wish Factory.
Over the years, as we’ve added new Exclusive Items, we also retired some of the older ones. If you frequent the Trading Room in the Clubhouse of the Webkinz Classic desktop app, perhaps you’ll be lucky enough to find someone willing to trade one with you!
Here’s a closer look at the final 4 of these amazing Exclusive Items which you might already own as one of your most prized possessions!
See part 1 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 2 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 3 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 4 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 5 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 6 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 7 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
See part 8 of our Awesome Exclusives CLOSE UP series here.
Do YOU already own any of these Awesome Exclusives? Let us know in the comments below!
(REMEMBER: No Trading Requests in the comments. However, you can request trades in our Trading Forums)
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kalcan8 I have 223 rooms, i guess that counts as big.
Ack! That’s humongous!! If you visited one per day, it would take you almost 2/3 of a year. I am impressed! I will have to go count mine. BRB…
Ok, so it’s 108, but at least 8 of those are just storage. (I made a failed attempt to try to clean up my dock). If I ever find a chunk of time, I need to have a Marie Kondo day in my WW house. The problem is that it pretty much all sparks joy. LOL!
I use all those rooms as part of my Family Score, put one item down and then i take it out. Seems weird, but it’s like a hobby for me. I this too for the arcade, even though i’m not deluxe. One more thing i do for my Family Score, i put all 213 pets through the swimming pool, treadmill, bed, trampoline, brushing their teeth and washing them.
I have all except for the chocolate fountain. somehow, I missed that one.
Thanks, my friend for the fountain. it was a fun surprise :)
@granma4 – I am so glad you liked the chocolate fountain! Glad I could help you out! Have a great week! Your Webkinz Friend, alucard (AKA: farout2) :-)
THIS is part of why I LOVE the WW community!!
Me, too! I think one of my favorite things to do on Webkinz is to help other players get items that they are missing. I love gifting them when I can. Sadly, sometimes I don’t have that item, but I always hope that someone else will help that player out! The WW Community is pretty darn special, isn’t it? :-) Have a great week, kalcan8!
Hi alucard, all this time reading your posts on here I never knew you were my friend farout2. Thanks for all the times you have helped me out. I agree with what’s been said on here. I have also made some great friends on webkinz.
I think that I have all of this set.
I love the Yellow Plasma Ball! Wish they would bring back the Red Plasma Ball! I could really use a couple of those in my Space Ship room! :-) And, I do have a question that has nothing to do with this page, but I would really like to know “Why didn’t we have a ‘Winterfest 2025′ banner this year? Or, did I somehow miss this item?” Just wondering. :-/
There’s a red plasma ball?? Cool! And thanks for your question. I didn’t even think about a banner until you brought it up.
I am thankful to have each of these items. I remember when I got the wooden horse years ago, soon after I started playing WW, I had grand hopes of creating an epic battle scene, with the wooden horse at the gate of a great city. I have big dreams. LOL! I’m pretty sure that the water ski is currently in my garage. I think that the plasma ball is actually in Dumbledore’s office at the moment. (I don’t think that it was working quite right. I will have to check.) (Yes, my Classic home on my main account is too big. I can get lost, and I forget where a lot of things are. *sigh*) The chocolate fountain (my dream party decoration!) is the centerpiece in my candy cafeteria (an awesome, and possibly unhealthy, place to hangout and watch the game on the gingerbread TV) Go Eagles!!
Don’t feel alone, I get lost all of the time!
I’m there with you kalcan8, my houses are so big, there are some rooms I haven’t been to visit in ages, if I remember which account they are in LOL
Same here! I’ve started redoing some rooms instead of buying a new one when I get a new pet. My nephew and I shared the account until he decided to play more “grown up” games. I leave the rooms he created alone for the memories.
Hi cr2w! That’s a great idea. I think I will redo some of the rooms that I haven’t visited in a long time, or those that I was never fully pleased with. My one side account is one I maintain for a family member who also went off to play more “grown up” games, so I understand. Growing up is overrated.
My main account has pets that I haven’t visited in quite a while. Thankfully, when I first got them and created their rooms, I labeled each room with the pet’s name, so even though it’s been a while since I’ve seen my Madagascar gang (Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, and King Julien), I know exactly where they are. I look back and laugh at my sense of humor because I put hypochondriac Melman in a medical clinic. LOL!