Webkinz Close Up: Sensational Signs!


Webkinz World has many wonderful things that you can hang up and display on your pet’s walls. However, once you add them into a room, sometimes they are so small it’s hard to appreciate all of the detail and work that goes into creating them!


Here’s a closer look at some of the wonderful wall signs we’ve created over the years. You might even notice some amazing details you’ve never seen before!




Commemorative Plaque

Crafty Kimmy’s Club Sign

Daisy’s Diner Sign

Eat Here Sign

Fast Food Menu

Glam Boutique Sign

I Love Webkinz Sign

LCD Crime Detector

Modern Boutique Sign

Open For Business Sign

Plasma Peace Sign

Webkinz Arcade Sign


Have YOU collected any of these wonderful wall signs? Let us know in the comments below!


17 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Sensational Signs!

  1. animalmomkls says:

    I love the I Love Webkinz sign. Does anyone know where it came from? And, thanks WKN for these Webkinz Close Up reports. I really enjoy seeing them upclose them and it’s fun reading what players have to say about the items and their history.

    • animalmomkls says:

      Ugh, I didn’t see my mistake. The last sentence should say I really enjoy seeing items upclose and it’s fun reading what players have to say about them and their history.

  2. ImaPepper says:

    Wow, I’ve only seen about half of those…nice collection!

  3. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I LOVE all of the signs. I wish that I could get the I love webkinz sign, open for business sign, plasma peace sign & two of the glam boutique sign. Pittiesrule

  4. kitterztoo says:

    What is the I love Webkinz sign from? I apparently don’t have that one.

  5. julieperkins says:

    I would love to have the ” I love webkinz” sign, its totally cool.

  6. kittymade10 says:

    I only have two signs. :P

  7. leachow53 says:

    Missing four signs

  8. Scorpio says:

    I only have 4 of these, I would like to have the Peace Sign.

  9. KSC says:

    I have the commemorative plaque. The other signs are really neat up close. They do have wonderful detailing! It was super fun reading the fast food menu.

  10. Beckinz8 says:

    I have a few of these stupendous signs. It’s great to see all of the fine detail that the design team has put into these signs but the piece de resistance for me is finally seeing the items on that fast food menu! Can we please have all of those fabulous foods in WW? (minus 2-no bugs or reptiles, please! LOL) I would love to try the quiche and fruit salad in the real world!

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