Webkinz Close Up: Wacky Clothing!


Webkinz World has many wonderful things that you can use to dress up your pet. However, even if you zoom in, sometimes things are so small it’s hard to appreciate all of the detail and work that goes into creating them!


With another Wacky Zingoz Celebration come and gone, here’s a closer look as some of the wonderful Wacky clothing items that your pet can wear to show off their zany Zingoz style!



Free Ride Zingoz Hat


Wacky Backpack

Wacky Ballroom Shoes

Wacky Knapsack


Wacky Racing Helmet

Wacky Racing Suit

Wacky Slippers

Wacky Sunglasses

Wacky Tuxedo Jacket

WackyER Zingoz Baseball Cap

WackyER Baseball Shirt

WackyER Zingoz Hat

WackyER Zingoz Shirt

Zingoz Celebration Dress


Have YOU collected any of these Wacky clothes for your pet’s wardrobe? And what would you like to see CLOSE UP next? Let us know in the comments below!


47 Responses to Webkinz Close Up: Wacky Clothing!

  1. tinygma says:

    I am so lost well my phones lost :( Mobile is there any way someone can help me get 2 lamps and 2 chairs and possibly 1 of the shoes !!! I will send something nice please thanks !!

  2. tink1706 says:

    A wacky baby onesie would be nice

  3. tink1706 says:

    Have you all tried the 2 new recipies for a dress and neon shirt

  4. albina521 says:

    I Do not have the dress or the baseball hat hope we can get another chance to win these two items again so I can have them for my two accounts

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    These are WAAAAACKY! I have the Wacky Zingoz plush in real life, and the voicebox chip is busted! XD

  6. Rocky5465 says:

    I have all of the clothing except the WackyER Zingoz Baseball Cap, WackyER Baseball Shirt, WackyER Zingoz Hat, WackyER Zingoz Shirt, and the eStore Zingoz Celebration Dress. I’m assuming the clothes I’m missing are from past Wacky Celebrations? I would love to collect those!

  7. kaye10 says:

    i want to see, please, all of the striped shirts you have ever had in the w-shop–have been on an elusive search for what I remember to be a brown and burgundy/red polo-style shirt which @ the time I thought was, well, not that attractive, & thus sold, and now I collect everything….so i’d like to know if it exists or came to me in a dream….& (if it exists) if anyone has an extra to trade. THANKS :) best, k.

    • Imagen002 says:

      Hi kaye10 That shirt did not come to you in a dream. The red and brown polo shirt is formally retired. If you google “Webkinz retired not rare items” you will find a picture of it and other retired items. I also thought it not that attractive and also did not keep one.

    • catladyinpajamas says:

      I have one!! But I don’t know if I have 2 . I would have to hunt in closets in my many many rooms!

  8. Marissa76 says:

    Nice! I would love to see all the gem and crystal themed items next! I love getting them from the Adventure Park and would love to see all the other ones!

  9. 2diamonds12 says:

    I’ve never seen this dress, they should make a wacky zingoz gem tile. 9delicious12>..<

  10. WindyCityGirl says:


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