Webkinz Day 2017 Design a Pet Contest

Announcing a new Pet Design Contest – and this time the pet will be up to you! Will it be a dog, a bird, a dragon, a dust bunny??? We cannot wait to see what you come up with!


That’s right – this your chance to design a brand new virtual Webkinz pet which will be sold in Ganz eStore starting on Webkinz Day – April 29, 2017.


This year – we are letting your imagination run free. You can design whatever type of animal you want. You can use our basic template below if you want, as a guideline. And if you are looking for some different body types, feel free to use the templates we included with our Design a Halloween Pet contest or make your own!


When you’re done you upload your drawing to the Webkinz Day Pet 2017 gallery in the Share Center.


The winner will receive a virtual version of their winning entry, a brand new Pet Design Trophy plus a 1 Year Deluxe Membership. The nine runners-up will receive a 1 Month Deluxe Membership.


The contest runs from January 1 – 31, 2017. We will narrow down the selection to 10 finalists and post the short list on Friday, February 3. Then, after taking your comments into consideration, we will announce the winning design on Valentine’s Day 2017.


Then, our talented artists go to work – taking the winning design and turning it into an awesome pet that will available in the Ganz eStore on April 29, 2017.


A few things to remember…


You can enter as many designs as you want!


Contestants MUST upload their work to the Webkinz Day Pet 2017 gallery on the GanzWorld Share Center. Never uploaded to the ShareCenter before? Don’t worry! It’s easy. Just watch this video to see how it’s done!


You can use any kind of art supplies that you want. Feel free to use markers, pencil crayons, crayons, or other art materials. Go for it! While we will not accept images that have computer generated patterns or graphics copied and added to them, participants may use programs like Paint or Photoshop to color and draw freehand.


You don’t NEED to include ideas for this pet’s adoption gifts (PSI & PSF), but you can draw them if you want.

We can’t accept submissions with company logos or sports team emblems.

Please make sure you save your images as a jpg, gif, or png.

Click here for full contest rules.


Bring on your ideas! We can’t wait to meet the newest member to the Webkinz Family!

228 Responses to Webkinz Day 2017 Design a Pet Contest

  1. Pokekinz says:

    Oh, I just now noticed this: It looks like the link posted to the rules is wrong, it’s linked to the rules for the Design a Halloween Webkinz contest.

  2. PurpleFox says:

    The contest ends tonight at midnight, correct? :)

  3. CallieMay2012 says:

    It won’t let me click the button to add my design ;-; HELP! I only have 3 days left to enter!!!

    • golubm says:

      hi, if you’re using Chrome, I’ve had the same problem. Try using FireFox and make sure you have “allow pop-ups windows” option turned on, and adobe is not bloking the script from runing. Hope it helps :)

  4. PurpleFox says:

    Does the winner get to have their pet before anyone else? Or do they have to wait until April 29 like everyone else?

  5. PurpleFox says:

    Does the 1 year deluxe Membership include the new Deluxe Membership dog and all the same Year Memberahip benefits as if I bought one myself? (Points every month, etc)?

  6. ecf says:

    Hi Sally! When will the winners be announced? Thank you!

  7. PurpleFox says:

    Hi, Sally, I have a few questions. Am I allowed to add a side view of my Webkinz entries? Because, in the past, the past design contest finalists always had a nicely drawn Webkinz, with just the front view. Could I not be picked if I drew a side view, showing what I’d like my designs to look like on the side?

  8. PomPomPuppySoCute100 says:

    I already made my entry but I didn’t say about the pet in the image description I just said my entry!!! so do you have to talk about the pet in the image description?

  9. ecf says:

    Sally Webkinz, I have a question. I have an email linked to my account, but they won’t let me sign in for some reason. So I can’t see if Ganz has approved my entries. So is there anyway to change the email linked to my account? Thanks!

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Yes, reply with the email you would like it changed to. I will not publish it.

      • ecf says:

        Ok! The new email for the account is []. So Ganz will send the confirmation of the entries for the contest to this email? Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          The email address has been updated. If your images were already moderated for the contest, then the email would have been sent to the original account already. However, if you are selected as a winner, you will be notified at the new address.

          • ecf says:

            -Ok! Thank you! So how long should it take before I can see my entries on the Webkinz Share Center? Thank you so much for helping me!

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            If you’ve just submitted them, they likely won’t be approved until Monday or Tuesday. It’s also possible that they will still have the old address attached to the images, so you might not get notification.

    • Pokekinz says:

      Oh, you can change the email address your account is linked to?? I (somewhat) recently got a new email, and the emails from Ganz never show up in my mom’s inbox for some reason (not even the spam folder). Could I possibly switch my email as well?

  10. clearcreek6 says:

    My uploads did not show up in my uploads nor on the gallery. Why is that

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