Webkinz Day Giveaway is now closed

UPDATE:  This contest is now closed, and emails have been sent out to the winners. Please be sure to check the email associated with your Ganz eStore account, or the account from which you sent an email entry. Also remember to check your junk folder just in case!


Thank you to everyone who participated!!!



See full contest rules here.


72 Responses to Webkinz Day Giveaway is now closed

  1. lazygal says:

    I know I am going to get the full year deluxe membership on the last day or if the sale for the deluxe is a good price to get it before than anyway.

  2. ilovemoonie says:

    This is a pretty cool giveaway! :D Man, I’d love to win the grand prize, haha XD I’m not going to be buying any Deluxe memberships since I already have one that doesn’t expire until December, but I’ll definitely have to use my free entry!

  3. ilovemoonie says:

    So, I don’t exactly know where to ask this, but earlier today I was trying to adopt my Webkinz Black Friesian, but it said the code was invalid. :/ I checked several times to make sure it was correct, but it still didn’t work. Is there any way I can I still adopt it, or not?

  4. cottoncandykayla says:

    Sooooo my deluxe membership is going to renew soon, but I am just wanted to know if you have already bought a membership and its going to renew around this time, that will you still be entered in? Or do you have to buy it the first time? Or buy a different membership?

  5. Bobby113 says:

    cool. thanks alot

  6. bonesbongo says:

    ENTERED! Thank you for this opportunity to be able to win some great prizes. Good luck to everyone that enters.

  7. tigerlily1975 says:

    I live in one of the states not allowed to enter these contests. You know that you are Webkins crazy, when you want to move to another state just so you can enter Webkinz contests. :)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I get it, @tigerlily1975! I remember when they ran the “Cars” movie promotional, and the prizes were awesome, but the contest was only for Canadian residents. Somehow I couldn’t convince my family that virtual Webkinz prizes were a completely valid reason to move to a new country. Weird. But, I was very fortunate to get a very faithful new friend in WW who gifted me many of the amazing prizes, and preserved my family unity! So…Win-win!

  8. lemony says:

    Thank you again for this fun event :) I entered through email..love that we have that chance…

  9. motherk says:

    We are already deluxe members so I guess we will have to just wish great luck to those who enter. Great prizes!

  10. countryboy1281 says:

    I have a automatic renew coming up next month will this count for this contest?

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