Webkinz Fox Retires!


ATTENTION ALL FOX OWNERS: Your Adventure Pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made! If you have this pet as part of your collection, make sure that you visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend for 2 special ALL DAY events! On Saturday you’ll be able to play a mini game for prizes! On Sunday, Webkinz Fox owners will be able to spin the Wheel of Wishes! Congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!

70 Responses to Webkinz Fox Retires!

  1. chihuahualuver says:

    Ganz said that one webkinz will retired every week if nobody knows.

  2. foxstar2000 says:

    OMGGGGGGGG I CANT BELIEVE IT!! i finally have a pet that is retiering, but im also sad because the fox is such a great webkinz, onw of my fave! The only thing is that i got the fox befor it was an adventure park pet, the same with my husky and many others (I got them like, five years ago). I’m hoping the fox has a good retierment!!

  3. seaturtlegirl5748 says:

    I am going to get one. I am going to name him Red or Todd

  4. cocoaclan2 says:

    I really want ganz to stop retiring pets i might even quit webkinz cause of all the pets their retiring

  5. dune456 says:

    does this mean the fox won’t be the pet of the month?

  6. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    OMG! I need to adopt my fox NOW! My fox is a girl and her name is Niki. And she is retiring. (Sniff.) That’s my girl.

  7. 7puppies says:

    Why are all of these pets being retired?

  8. Funsun303 says:

    Ah o well happy retirement fox :( hope you enjoy it

  9. summerpuppy123 says:

    Have a great retirement Fox!!!!!!!! We will miss you so much!!!! :) summerpuppy123 :)

  10. Allieberry2 says:

    YAY! I have the fox!

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