Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!




This year, Webkinz Newz Week is extra special, because not only can you collect gifts from Ella McWoof in the Webkinz Newz Room at the Clubhouse, you can pick up prizes from your favorite Webkinz hosts at the park every day too!


Try to collect all four prizes from Ella McWoof during Newz Week! Head to the Newz Room at the Clubhouse to get started. You can use the THINGS TO DO menu to get there:



Once you’re inside, you can click on Ella McWoof to get one of four Webkinz Newz themed prizes every day!



The On Air Sign was available last year, but the Signed Ella McWoof Action Figure, Portable Camera and the Roving Reporter Headset are brand-new:



You’ll also want to visit Kinzville Park every day during Newz Week for a special meet & greet daily event!



Every day during Newz Week, you’ll see a different Webkinz host standing near Mr. Moo’s ice cream cart at Kinzville Park. When you click on each host, they’ll give you a special prize in honor of the 20th anniversary of Webkinz!


Here’s a look at the daily schedule and what you’ll get for visiting each host at Kinzville Park during Newz Week:



Don’t miss a day of Webkinz Newz Week for the chance to collect all of the prizes!


Which prize did you collect from Ella today? Let us know in the comment section below…


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11 Responses to Webkinz Newz Week Starts Today!

  1. mfaull says:

    I got the portable camera today.

  2. KarenaJ says:

    The Canadian Goose Plushy is soooooo cute :D

  3. stinkypete says:

    I can’t wait to collect the time capsule from Goober!

  4. hlfbkdfae says:

    Finally, I can collect my stuffed goose <3

  5. 7debbie7 says:

    Hurray For Amanda Panda’s Canada Goose! Thanks Ganz.

  6. purplepot says:

    but also oh nooooo bc I won’t have desktop access for most of April!! RIP me

    • kalcan8 says:

      I’m so sorry to hear that, @purplepot. When our family computer was on the fritz, we used to go down to our local public library and each of us would use our library card to reserve an hour on all of the computers there. It was really cool to all be sitting near each other and all be gaming at the same time on our own site of choice. One of our family members wasn’t even born yet when we used to do that so he looks at us all like we’re crazy when we tell him how fun it used to be. Maybe you can try something like that in April, at least for the WW 20th anniversary so you don’t miss out on any of the festivities. Best of luck!

  7. purplepot says:


  8. caseyspacey says:

    Just got the Portable Camera and it’s a clothing item under shoes and belts.

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