Webkinz Room Design Awards Coming Soon!



Hey guys, Michael Webkinz here with a special announcement! On Thursday April 7th we will be announcing the 10 finalists for our third Webkinz Room Design Awards! The 10 finalists were chosen from our Fan Build Screenshots series of posts from November 14th 2015  – Saturday April 3rd 2016. If your screenshot was featured at anytime between those dates make sure you check Webkinz Newz on the 7th… YOU could be one of the finalists!


Each of the 10 finalists will receive a carton of White Chocolate Eggs but only 3 winners will receive a Room Design Trophy!


Click on a link below to meet the finalists from our first 2 Webkinz Room Design Awards:


Meet The Finalists – MAY 27, 2015


Meet the Finalists – NOVEMBER 5, 2015


Are you looking forward to the Room Design Awards? Who do you think will make the top 10? Please leave your comments below…


66 Responses to Webkinz Room Design Awards Coming Soon!

  1. barb539 says:

    Good luck everyone who had a room featured since last November! Can’t wait to see the finalists! One that stuck out in my mind was that crystal cave, and sorry to the person, but I don’t remember who it was that built it! I hope it makes the finalists, it was awesome!

  2. Nattie says:

    The fan build screenshots is my favorite feature on Webkinz Newz. I can’t wait to see the finalists for the next design awards as I remember so many good entries.

  3. ninjario900 says:

    well i tell u cuz it gonna be april 7 soon in a few days

  4. ninjario900 says:

    how to enter contest first go to contests and click “enter” then u start click on your snap room

  5. bee225 says:

    how do you enter these contests?

    • kbk100 says:

      Hey there, bee225! Lets see if I can answer your question! When you design a room you can take a picture/screenshot of it and attach it to an email to, letsbuild@ganz.com. Every week or two Michael picks some rooms that were sent to him to feature on Webkinz Newz! If you get a room featured, then it’s like you are automatically entered for the next room design awards. Michael will then pick his 10 favorites out of all the rooms that were featured within those past few months, to become finalists! Hope this helps! :)

    • 90skidzrule says:

      You have to design a room in your Webkinz house, take a screenshot of it when its done and email the screenshot to letsbuild@ganz.com make sure to include who it was designed by so you can get credit if it was to be featured in a future showcase :)

    • MEG_WEBKINZ says:

      Hi, bee225!! You had to be featured in one of Michaels Fan Build Screenshot posts between November 14-April 3. To have a chance to be featured, you have to take a screenshot of your room in Webkinz World, then email it to Michael at letsbuild@ganz.com. Hope this helps! <3

  6. kbk100 says:

    I am so exited for this room design awards! We have seen so many AMAZING room designs these past few months! Players continue to amaze me with their talent! I have no idea how you could have narrowed them down Michael…it must be so hard! I wish everyone the best of luck! :)

  7. winterwarriorwolf says:

    Awh D: None of mine were featured :/ I sent a bunch in. Well, good luck everyone (:

  8. FennecFox says:

    I sent in a lot of my rooms, but none got featured. eh. Well, thats ok i guess. I hope they get featured soon, though! :P

  9. FennecFox says:

    Sweet! I think Autumn will at LEAST make it to the top 10. XD

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Awesome! I know I won’t be one of the finalists since I, well, haven’t sent in any rooms yet, heheh. I’ve meant to do it, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Well, anyways, I can’t wait to see who the finalists are!!! I bet this is going to be a tough decision for Michael to make…

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      I know this is totally unrelated, but it’s snowing where I live. I know that sounds like a bad late April fools day joke, but I’m not kidding! It’s actually snowing! On the second of April! Talk about weird weather….

      • FennecFox says:

        XD wow! It was 80 degrees yesterday where i live, and the weatherman said that tomorrow, it will SNOW. ugh XD

      • RosyFox says:

        Wow, that sure is cool, though, Taffy! Enjoy your very late snow! It’s nice and sunny with a cool breeze where I live. :) I must admit, I was getting a little tired of the cold weather, especially after I came back from OH in January…now THAT was cold! :S

        • FennecFox says:

          Yeah, me too, Rosy! I get quite tired of the cold after a while :P Right now, where i live, it is SO WINDY. like, SUPER WINDY.

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I meant to say “heheh” in my comment above. Sorry! Didn’t mean to add that “j”

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Sorry about my comment above, heheh. I submitted a comment earlier (and for some reason it didn’t get moderated… Weird…) and I made a typo

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