Webkinz Trendz: April 5, 2020

Hey gang! I hope everyone is staying home and staying safe! But just because we’re stuck inside doesn’t mean we can’t still be stylish!


Today I’m wearing a couple more of our fabulous fan-designed pieces! This week I paired my Under the Sea Toque by purplepandacheetah with my Painted Denim Jacket by crazygrace8! I love it!


And I love all the outfits YOU put together and send me! Keep ‘em coming!





Missed the last Trendz? You can check it out here.


Want to send me one of YOUR pet’s outfits? Take a screenshot of your pet in the ‘Dress Your Pet’ window and send it, along with your username, to webkinztrendz@ganz.com

20 Responses to Webkinz Trendz: April 5, 2020

  1. creek4kids says:

    I LOVE the red/orange dress on Wildflower and the red/white dress on Amora Azure. Does anyone know how they got these? :)

  2. KSC says:

    What a great bunch of outfits!

  3. TRINSTER says:

    Thank you for choosing Fluffy Feeling Boho! I love creating outfits!

  4. emster7 says:

    Ah ha! My big sister TRINSTER’s outfit for Fluffy is here! :)

  5. pj15gaming says:

    Omgggg Widget <3

  6. ginnylea says:

    ? for Manxcat Love your outfit. Where did you get hat and what is it call. I love daisies.

  7. Dash7500 says:

    Congratulations to everyone who was featured. So many unique and cute outfits, great job!

  8. ArcanineEspeon says:

    Wildflower’s Goldfish outfit…although a goldfish was the original intent, I’d like to say that this rather MAGICal outfit reminds me more of a CARP of sorts, if you catch my drift!

  9. ArcanineEspeon says:

    A long-beaked, at least somewhat flightless, goofy looking but cute bird named Widget…FancyDuck58, is that the really, really obscure cartoon reference I think it is…or am I reading way, way too far into this?

    • fancyduck58 says:

      Haha, you’re reading way too much into it- I was thinking about a finance class in college where many of the examples seemed to feature widgets! It seemed like a fitting name for a kiwi. ;)

  10. jingles4 says:

    Widget is SO cute! She looks like a hummingbird. Congrats to all whose outfits are displayed, amazing work!

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