Webkinz Trendz: June 7, 2020

Hi guys! In preparation for the new Boho Balcony theme that comes out next month I’m wearing the same dress that I wore for the newest podkinz!


Our players’ pets are wearing all sorts of awesome outfits in this week’s trendz! Check them out now!




Missed the last Trendz? You can check it out here.


Want to send me one of YOUR pet’s outfits? Take a screenshot of your pet in the ‘Dress Your Pet’ window and send it, along with your username, to webkinztrendz@ganz.com

18 Responses to Webkinz Trendz: June 7, 2020

  1. puppylcve says:

    Yay, this is my first time being featured! My pet is the chocolate lab. Thanks Webkinz!

  2. KSC says:

    What an awesome set of outfits! Mandy, you look wonderful in that dress!

  3. Beckinz8 says:

    I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the lovely outfit that Migrubbs designed for their Sweet Corn Tiger. I wouldn’t have thought to pair that gorgeous tiger lily ensemble with an orange pet, but it turned out to be a bright and cheerful pop of color, and it looks awesome! Great job, and congrats on being featured!

  4. rainyukl says:

    Does anyone know what happened to the free prize where you get free kinzcash or different clothes? There are so many new outfits designed that webkinz lovers would love for there pets? Just wondering, I haven’t been able to log into it for over A mont now? Thank you

  5. frozenanna2 says:

    how do i show my pic on the top screen? my username is frozenanna2

  6. kinzklipfan says:

    This is a great edition of the Trendz! I like all of these wonderful outfits. The little Bee shoes are adorable, and I hadn’t seen them before, and I like the camo outfit a lot as well.

  7. megamom12 says:

    Is that….cinnamon rolls on Mandy’s skirt???? If so, Sally needs a blouse made from the same material!

  8. TRINSTER says:

    Mandy, I love your skirt!

  9. mochidochi says:

    I love that little bee — those shoes are so cute!

  10. ojibwa says:

    Those are darling — I love the tech start-up CEO and Roughin’ It!

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