Webkinz Valentine’s Day Events 2019



You can win some sweet prizes throughout February in Webkinz World. Click on a button below to learn about this year’s Valentine’s Day events:



40 Responses to Webkinz Valentine’s Day Events 2019

  1. Warden says:

    It’s only day one, and already there is a problem! I am unable to “ask friends” or “add more friends” after receiving my daily heart. =( What is happening? I have logged out, cleared cache, and tried again, THREE times and still, nothing. I’m going to miss out on hearts! signed, warden1964

    • Apploosa54 says:

      Hey there! I had this problem too, are you on the Edge browser by chance? I switched to Chrome/Firefox and it worked finally. Apparently collection events work best on those two. Good luck! Apploosa54

  2. haylie5716 says:

    If anyone would like to add me, my username is haylie5716

  3. alissa_hardin says:

    If anyone needs help with the Valentine’s collection my username is Scoobet99. Feel free to add me and we can help each other! :)

  4. mdreamy says:

    Anyone can friend me mdreamy and queenpopm.

  5. MANAPHY15 says:

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend my username for WW is MANAPHY15 (yes all capital letters). I would love to help anyone with the valentines collection!

  6. eclipse07 says:

    I would like some more friends if anyone will send a friend request to sam030507.

  7. bella201223 says:

    I also need to up my friends list, we’re in this together! Please add me at 201223 thanks!

  8. seevey3 says:

    I need some friends to help me with the valentine collection. My user name for WW is seevey3.

  9. bubbashuka says:

    Yay- now I can look forward to Valentine’s day! ;)

  10. rustydiamonds says:

    Where is the J anuary plush pet??? It’s the 27th ganz! We deserve to know why it’s being delayed.

    • criss999 says:

      what is the pet

    • lilicat9 says:

      I’m a little worried there may be No More plush pets. Think about it, over the years they have been pushing the virtual only items more and more and making the physical items less and less. It makes sense if you think about it, plushies cost ganz money to make, online items don’t. They have been pushing us in this direction for a while. The interesting thing will be whether they admit it or not. From what it looks like they are trying to sweep it under the rug and hope we don’t notice.

      • eclipse07 says:

        And to get the virtuals from ganzestore you have to pay more money then its worth. I tried finding the plush frosty fawn last month/year but I could not find it very disappointing

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