Webkinz Veggie Fest 2020




Join us for Veggie Fest in Webkinz World! This event runs from August 17 – 26, and you’ll be able to collect new Growing Garden seeds, play a special challenge and earn daily login gifts!


We are also releasing a new Farm Fresh cookbook that you can use to make treats for your pets! It contains recipes that use Farm Fresh food as ingredients. The cookbook will be added to your Dock the first time you log into your account during Veggie Fest.


You will also be able to buy the cookbook from the W Shop, starting August 17. You can find it in the FUN STUFF section of the shop, under BOOKS.



Click on a button below to learn more about Veggie Fest!


146 Responses to Webkinz Veggie Fest 2020

  1. m21 says:

    I would just like to say I am loving veggie fest! one of my favorite events

  2. mamasbaby07 says:

    Those who want apple seeds please friend 1971Muffin Thank you

  3. KittyKittyWest says:

    I used eStore points to skip Pumpkin Patch. Turns out I already have all the Gardener’s outfit, so I can send them to 1 person only. LMK if you need/want them.

  4. Amygirl113 says:

    Just got the challenge done and love Daisy’s Diner. Glad I saved up some Jumbleberry plays and I love Smoothie Moves. Thanks, Ganz. Super storefront and storage unit.

    • Auntruthie309 says:

      I just got it too. Glad I’m done with the pumpkin game – not as quick in finger eye stuff like I was in my younger days. Glad I saved some Jumbleberry plays and I do good on the smoothie moves. Have fun everyone and thanks alot Ganz.

  5. tuxkitty1 says:

    I’m so excited! I got my Daisy’s Diner today. I really had to work to get the Pumpkin Patch game completed. But so glad I got this. Thank you Ganz for the great prize.

  6. mrscullen says:

    The play button for pumpkin patch is not working. In general, any buttons on that part of the screen I cannot press (The button on the wheel for the kinzville academy as well).

    • BeezKneez says:

      What browser are you using? I’ve always found google chrome works best playing Webkinz. Have you downloaded the new desktop app? It works great – I’ve been using it all summer. I hope that can help you with your problems. Good Luck!

    • habibi24 says:

      Try closing your dock. It’s the down arrow button on the right hand of the screen. That usually helps.

  7. catloverdoglover says:

    Hey guys! I love this challenge! I’m so happy because I am almost done the challenge! I love the veggie fest!

  8. SugarP says:

    Does anyone else have the problem where when you try to sell the pepper seeds, it logs you out?

    • catloverdoglover says:

      Yes! I did the same thing to me. It is so anoying! I’m so glade someone had the same thing that happend to me! Lol

      • Katz1259 says:

        Here is a perfect solution! Why not head to the trading room… I bet you would get more for those seeds than the W shop will give you AND you will make another player very happy! Some people collect seeds and grow HUGE gardens and would love to trade you for them. Why not give it a try?!

    • KarenaJ says:

      SELL pepper seeds. LOL I would never do that!

  9. Katz1259 says:

    I am trying to work on some of my badges and the one I am working on says to cook on the Mega Stove. I thought that was the stove in Daisy’s Diner but that didn’t work for me. So then I added Chef Gazpacho’s Mega Stove to my room and used that but it didn’t work either. Can someone please point me in the right direction to the Mega Stove so that I can complete this badge? Thanks so much in advance!!

    • Steve Webkinz says:

      The Super Chef Stove is in Daisy’s Diner. You can find the Mega Stove in the Furniture >> Kitchen and Bathroom category of the WShop.

      • Katz1259 says:

        Okay thank you Steve! I have purchased the Mega Stove and put it in my room (one of them!). I will now try to make some recipes and see if I can earn the badges . Thanks again!

  10. fruitfan1 says:

    Dear Webkinz, will there be any way to get the special apple trees again? I love the new recipes but I don’t have the golden, candy, or maple apples in order to make the new recipes.

    • bkbauer says:

      Same. I have no Golden Apple Tree Seeds or apples so I can’t make 4 of the recipes. Please bring the apple tree seeds back so we can make the recipes.

      • Elizabeh says:

        I also have the problem of no apples, as i was absent a couple of years. Would greatly appreciate the chance to get them. A special heads up about the recipes; Summertime Sandwich recipe does not match the picture shown. I think the cherry tomatoes; lettuce and bread is correct but the recipe written is the same as the recipe above it ( dont remember name ) calling for apples !

    • mamasbaby07 says:

      If you friend me I ca mail you some mamasbaby07

      • mall90 says:

        Hi, if you can-and if you have many- can I get one of each, as I missed those seeds as well (the golden tree, candy and maple), my username is mall9087 and I will send stuff in return :)

      • Sky_Cravens says:

        i also have no candy apples or caramel apples

      • amelia1321 says:

        i have extra apple seeds friend me ill send u some

      • Elizabeh says:

        Thank you, mamasbaby07, I shall do so; UN is noonesfriend. I love apples and all things made from them ! Thanks again

      • bkbauer says:

        I am only in need of the Golden Delicious Apple Tree Seeds. If you have any extras, I would so appreciate it. I would love to be able to make some of these cute recipes. I will send a friend request from rainbowtwingirls. Thank you!

      • fruitfan1 says:

        Thank you, that’s so generous! I will send you a friend request, first three letters are puf.

        • amelia1321 says:

          i havent got a request from you fruitfan1. your next bkbauer.

          • fruitfan1 says:

            Hello Amelia, I sent a friend request. the first three letters of my username are puf. Thank you so much:)

          • fruitfan1 says:

            mamasbaby was kind enough to send me the green and golden apple seeds, so I am only in need of the candy and maple ones if you still have them.

          • amelia1321 says:

            for the next few weeks i am just sending apples because of the number of requests. but I will be sending extra seeds next. I just want to make sure everyone gets some of the actual apples first.

          • happyheart2000 says:

            I sent you a request, my user starts with happy, if you have a spare candy, maple or golden delicious i would appreciate all of them and will send something back thank you so much!

          • bkbauer says:

            Thank you so much phb2000. You are so generous to offer these wonderful seeds to those of us who don’t have any. You demonstrate the true meaning of the Webkinz community and working together. I have had so much fun making apple recipes!! If you have an extra lettuce to spare it would complete my garden. My username is rainbowtwingirls. Thank you so much for having a heart of gold!

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