Webkinz Veggie Fest 2020




Join us for Veggie Fest in Webkinz World! This event runs from August 17 – 26, and you’ll be able to collect new Growing Garden seeds, play a special challenge and earn daily login gifts!


We are also releasing a new Farm Fresh cookbook that you can use to make treats for your pets! It contains recipes that use Farm Fresh food as ingredients. The cookbook will be added to your Dock the first time you log into your account during Veggie Fest.


You will also be able to buy the cookbook from the W Shop, starting August 17. You can find it in the FUN STUFF section of the shop, under BOOKS.



Click on a button below to learn more about Veggie Fest!


146 Responses to Webkinz Veggie Fest 2020

  1. FreeBird says:

    I made he holiday Stew and it comes up as a Decoration????

  2. CountryChrissy says:

    I have NO onion seeds! ugh! and i really hope i get another soft gray chair,or i’ll only have one,geez! from Peek A Newz.

  3. estrellaSMC says:

    Too many cherry tomatoes, not enough squash.

  4. amelia1321 says:

    if u sent me a request for apples by sending a friend request, u need to tell me what your name is an what apples u need.

  5. FreeBird says:

    Where can one get seeds for the Candy Apple?? Also in the cookbook there is a error on the summer sandwich – the pictures are correct (food) but the writing is wrong.

  6. bellalicious says:

    hi! does anyone have the maple dipped apple tree seeds? i can’t seem to find them anywhere. my user name is babalichious and please tell me if there is anything you’d like in return, thanks!

  7. dirtybaby01 says:

    Could someone send me some Golden Delicious apple seeds please so much?

  8. Lolobearees says:

    If anyone would like to send me some Golden Delicious/Candy Apple seeds, that’d be nice! Add me: Lolobearees

  9. habc6 says:

    I have the red delicious seeds but am in need of the other apples if anyone can help me out?! I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

  10. DarthFrosty says:

    The game will not let me click on Daisy to get the free food. Is there a way to make the food to complete the challenge?

    • poodlepal8 says:

      I often have this problem, too. Usually it works if I click on her multiple times instead of just once. It never works the first time. If you’re still having trouble, add me as a friend and I can send you a package with diner food :)

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