Webkinz World is about to get SMURF’D!








Smurfabunga! The Smurfs movie is coming to cinemas on July 29, but first the little blue guys are making a detour into Webkinz World! You never know where the smurf they might pop up so keep your eyes open for the Floating Smurf and click on it to win an exclusive Smurf prize!

Webkinz members who live in the United States will also have the opportunity to play a special Smurfs game – keep posted for more details!

But if you live outside of the United States, don’t be blue! ALL Webkinz members who log in on July 9, July 17, July 22 and July 29 will receive a smurftastic gift via KinzPost!

So get ready to paint the town blue on July 29 when The Smurfs hits cinemas. And in the meantime – when you log into Webkinz World – prepare to be SMURF’D!!!

187 Responses to Webkinz World is about to get SMURF’D!

  1. zelda1111 says:

    canadians should be able to get all the extra smurf prizes as the u.s people do then thats fair

  2. LAWILLIS your B.F.F. says:

    Oh My Gosh! I LOVE THE SMURFS everything in my Webkinz Room is Smurfs!!!!!

  3. pishpish says:

    I love smurfs, sorry for those who do not get to play the smurf games and get the floating smurfs :(
    But i wish u could, i can send u a smurf hat or smurffette hat if u just tell me ur username so i can friend u :)

    luv smurfs and cant wait to see the movie! my mom was big fan of tv show

  4. kewlnerd1 says:

    Awesome!!! i can’t wait to find out what the Kinzpost prize will be…OANNA is my name!!! ARABIANTREASURE1 is my user name!
    Feel free to friend!!

  5. otto says:

    i love the smurfs ive been playing on the central park dash for prizes.and go hefty!

  6. mia says:


  7. idahobook says:

    Haha! unet101 and saullybeaster MY birthday is on the 31…
    Btw, 4 you people that aren’t in USA, you aren’t missing out on much… just smurf clothing mostly… in my opinion, webkinz shouldn’t be dressed as other creatures anyways! My webkinz usually just wear like a t-shirt or a hat or something… besides, for me, it would be super cool to live in Australia or Canada!

  8. avacoco21 coco21 says:

    smurfey ya smurfs oya

  9. ACatterpillar says:

    My Grandpa loves the Smurfs! LOL My Grandma and I are going to surprise him and take him to the See It Early showing on the 28th that Cinemark has! FUN

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