Webkinz World Loading Slowly

We apologize for any inconvenience with Webkinz World™ loading slowly. We are currently looking into the issue and will let you know when Webkinz World is running at full strength.

We thank you for your patience.

-Your friends at Webkinz Newz

116 Responses to Webkinz World Loading Slowly

  1. Vaderesque says:

    My main issue is Flash crashing. All ganz tells me is to update Flash, but I have the newest version (though I went ahead and updated anyway). It is super slow at times, but crashes in games, the park, and especially parties! As far as being slow, I agree with you guys that it’s mostly the video ads. I have mine turned off, but still sometimes ads pop up.

  2. sgabes1 says:

    the pop up video add on Ganz World is a real pain

    • brookebelle says:

      The video adds are causing the game to lag so much. I get that you are trying to make money, but with the video adds causing so much lag, people are not going to want to buy Deluxe membership, therefore it is causing you to lose money. Also, why don’t the televisions play those stations it used to? I have been playing since 2011, and all I can say is the game quality has gone down. Also, last year i bought the rare movie screen. It worked fine until Webkinz X came into play. Now, when i click on it to play the movie, it disappears and i have to leave the room and come back for it to appear again. It costed me 40 thousand kinzcash to buy, so i feel like i got ripped off.Another complaint i have is that unless you pay some money, you cannot play any of the games. It is hard to find webkinz in stores, so i play as a free player. i cannot play some of my favorite arcade games. But i have a feeling that even if i could play them, it would lag to much to enjoy it. I used to love decorating my house, now i dread it becuase of all the lag. I have to pause all the adds numerous times just to get one furniture item in my house.Please fix this game. It used to be so much fun, before it lagged so much. i havent been on in like a year due to this. i logged on recently and was appalled. The game keeps losing connection to the game server, and i have to relog in several times an hour.I know i am not the only one complaining, so to save your game, i suggest you do something about the lag, becuase the bottom problem is the lag. and the lag is caused mainly by the video adds, please dont do any third party advertising. Sincerely BAK0214, a long time webkinz player

      • jaredliz2015 says:

        Yeah i just started paying again after a very long time. My girlfriend and i made a new account for fun. I used to love decorating rooms and playing the games however it’s frustrating to do almost anything because it is so laggy. I’ve tried on my laptop too but it’s no better. It really almost makes me not want to play… i love the game and tbh would prob spend money on it here and there but its not worth it if its like this. Please fix it!!

  3. sgabes1 says:

    2 of the same video ad running on right side of screen, pop up video ads. can’t play it is soooooo slow terrible

  4. sgabes1 says:

    fix it, this is terrible!!

  5. sgabes1 says:

    turn off some of the ads, the video adds are killing your website

  6. lilyanna1006 says:

    it takes like 5 mins to go to my house on webkinz :U

  7. lybyn6az says:

    it wont even let me go to the mail shop or see my mail. i know its not my laptop because even on my phone it lags.

  8. 7edk95 says:

    Webkinz is loading so slowly. There is a tremendous lag. I cannot play games, do jobs, or place furniture. Every time I try to move in my house it freezes and does not move at all! Please fix this!!!!

  9. libertynews says:

    I have been trying to finish the challenge that expires Dec. 24, but the lag on every single game is making it impossible. Also I can’t get employment to work so I have no Christmas shopping money. {:

  10. jadars says:

    I agree with everyone else. Its definitely the ads. I really want to play, but can’t. The games won’t load, therefore I lose. I can’t place furniture because its so slow. Ads pop up every 5 seconds. I know that you guys are trying to make money and everything, but with the website running this slow, I think your loss is going to end up more then your gain.

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