Webkinz World’s Coolest Items

Hey Webkinz fans! If you had to rank the top five coolest special pet items (that’s the item that comes with a pet when you adopt it), what would they be? Let us know in the comments below –we’d love your opinions!

217 Responses to Webkinz World’s Coolest Items

  1. Cheezbeffy says:

    My favorite PSI’s would have to be the Love Spaniel tub, the Tawny Puppy Picnic Table, or the Signature Endangered Red Panda Bathtub :]

  2. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Does anyone agree that the gray owl’s pet song is SO BORING. I mean, it has a really really really good message and I love that, but it seems like the only thing they are saying is lets make the world a better place over and over again pretty much and the melody is boring it is just B.O.R.I.N.G.

  3. morning says:

    The bathtub that came with the fish

  4. chicklet711 says:

    My absolute favorite item is the double decker bus that came with my old english sheepdog!!! It’s just like the ones they use in England and he looks AWESOME riding around in it!!!

  5. GermanShepardGirl says:

    Hey PikachuHazelNut and Mewbubbles! I LOVE pokemon too! And my favorite item is the Puppypatrol Command Station.

  6. PONMom says:

    ball pits
    wall paper and matching flooring

  7. thebany says:

    I like the Wolf (red hooded riding car)
    Howling Ridge
    B\W Cat (sofa thing)
    Rainbow Window
    Gobbler turkey/Golden Gobbler turkey
    Minty Moose
    Black lab
    Strawberry/Brown/Regular cows’ items. And etc, etc, etc. :-)

  8. Lilly says:

    tell me how do you get them i did the pet of the month song but you see cool stuff tell me tell me or i will cry! man tell or

  9. egow says:

    I love the Signiture bamboo slide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. CDOG says:

    superito webkinz peeps! CDOG is back again baby! my top five:
    1.the water slide
    2. the panda slide
    3. the sugar glider’s psi coolest outfit EVER and fo those of you you don’t know me,( very small number) i’m trying to start a little comment & chat room thing. i’ll try to post all over webkinz news, but it’s not easy, so any way, there’s my top 5
    4. the beauty queen panda dress your soon to be chat host, CDOG
    5. snakes psi, AWSOME!
    5. the snakes psi, it’s soooooooooooooo awsome!!!!!!
    5. the bone tredmill

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