Webkinz X Revealed: Pet Requests!



Ella McWoof here! With your help, I’ve sniffed out some important information about the X-citing new project, Webkinz X!


In my previous Newz story, I told you all about Family Score. Before that, I told you about the Pet Care Heart and said that the fastest way to fill it was responding to Pet Requests.


Now, in my EXCLUSIVE SCOOP, here’s more information straight from the TOP SECRET documents!



The main goal of Webkinz X is to make your pets feel more alive and interactive, and to make them more central to the way you play. Currently, if your pet asks for something, the only reward for responding is boosting their Happiness, Hunger, or Health meters.


With Webkinz X, when your pet requests something, you’ll also earn a big boost to their Pet Care Heart! You’ll have to be quick though—in order to get the boost you’ll have to respond to the request within a certain amount of time. A timer will appear over your pet so you’ll be able to see how much time you have remaining.






What your pet requests will depend on how much you’ve played with them. The more times you fill up their heart, the smarter they will get, and soon they will start making more specific requests, along with a wider variety of requests.


For players that have multiple pets, once you finish filling up your active pet’s heart, another pet will let you know that they have a request. You can either switch right away to that pet and begin filling up their heart, or you can wait until you are ready to switch. That pet’s request won’t start until you switch to them. Only one pet at a time will make a request.


Because you can only get KinzCash and Family Score bonuses for filling up to 10 of your pet’s hearts, only a maximum of 10 pets will make requests on a given day.



Stay tuned to my column on Monday, June 22nd and I’ll reveal MORE about the exciting secret project, Webkinz X!


So, fellow detectives, what do YOU think about Webkinz X so far? Let me know in the comments below!



Want to know MORE? Check out our Webkinz X Newz Article Archive here.


208 Responses to Webkinz X Revealed: Pet Requests!

  1. luna101217 says:

    Gennelle: Do you have to fill up 10 Pet Care Hearts a DAY to get bonus kinzcash/family score points, or do we get bonus kinzcash/family score points for every 10 Pet Care Hearts we fill regardless of time? So far I only have only been able to fill 5 Pet Care Hearts, and I’ve played for more than 2 hours today!

  2. josephp19 says:

    this is awesome

  3. emmacitas says:

    I’m excited!But Webkinz after Webkinz X is completed,can you update Zumworld! It’s getting innoying!

  4. milkymonk7 says:

    its not the same

  5. Mikeyfrog25 says:

    I’ve been with webkinz for a few years now and seeing these changes is very exciting. I will miss some things but it will be great to have something new to come back to. :)

  6. ketchup229 says:

    This sounds awesome, but when is this going to start? I just logged in to my Webkinz account but didn’t see it. Is this just for Deluxe members or free members, because I’m a free member.

  7. kdog183218 says:

    I think this has it’s pros and cons, will these pop up when we are in an arcade game? I don’t want to have to stop a good role on a game just to do that.

  8. Michelle08 says:

    Seems confusing. . . I don’t know if I’m all that excited about Webkinz X. I mean I like how webkinz originally was without so much of a “modern” look to things. I feel everything’s too bright, too colorful, and too much more work. Yes it will be fun to interact with your pet but wish that’s the only thing you guys would change. . . Seeing the changes Webkinz X will make I guess sure will be exciting =/

  9. camillegaz says:

    Hey Gennelle will dalux players like me still get to change the color of there dock and change the webkinz backdrop because I payed money to be able to do that !!!!!!!

  10. TheSpencenator says:

    but I do like some of the other ideas…..

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