Welcome to Fruitland!

If your room needs a makeover, we’ve got great news! The Fruitland theme is brand new to the W Shop, and it’s gorgeous. With deliciously bright colors and fun fruit-inspired pieces, this theme will add a healthy dose of awesome to your home! The first half of the theme is available now, with the second half coming soon!

198 Responses to Welcome to Fruitland!

  1. hope says:

    i will not coppy you

  2. Lilly the catlover says:

    How’d you do the :mrgreen: thing? Anyone know how? If I accidentally did it just now, I will go nuts!
    This theme is all juicy sweet! I couldn’t resist saying that. ;) :) :D

  3. Emily says:

    This is a great idea.I LOVE fruit.My friend plays webkinz and she has an underwater room.It`s awesome.But this one is better.I got a free hopping bunny.On the right of the screen,it shows hop.Click.Then your going to watch the video.Next you will take the test.Then you need to wait for a few minutes and in your mailbox a letter will pop up.Click both the letters then you will get one that says “You won a hopping bunny!”It will show you your secretcode.Write it down.Go to the adoption center and you will have your hopping bunny!!!

  4. Music lover 101 cant find her way says:

    fall girl please read this this mabby happen to every one or just me but like all the comments in sites are gone help

  5. Maggie says:

    I love that ! Thats so cute ! It would be cool for a summer room theme !

  6. Stalida says:

    Awww! That theme is SOO cute! I’m SO going to remodel my Kitchen with this theme. Too bad this wasn’t a bedroom theme, it would go great with the CandyKinz theme!

  7. theWebkinzWarrior says:

    MOST friuts don’t taste that good to me, but this room theme is to die for.

  8. Bluepeso says:

    Hope I have enough KC………………….

  9. Daniel Da Man! says:

    Is there a bed to this room? Or is it just another diplay room. Either way it’s pretty cool!

  10. blawo hawmkn tyhfnk says:

    cool A.W.S.O.M.E. cool. i got all of the chairs and table

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