Welcome to Fruitland!

If your room needs a makeover, we’ve got great news! The Fruitland theme is brand new to the W Shop, and it’s gorgeous. With deliciously bright colors and fun fruit-inspired pieces, this theme will add a healthy dose of awesome to your home! The first half of the theme is available now, with the second half coming soon!

198 Responses to Welcome to Fruitland!

  1. Emily says:

    This is agreat idea!I love it

  2. laurie says:

    Thank you Ganz for a wonderful fun new theme!

  3. thecreativeone says:

    Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m gald it’s not eStore, too!

  4. mamakins says:

    When I logged into Webkinz World this morning the Pineapple table was in my dock. Not sure why I got it but it is a cute table.

  5. fanofthefrog says:

    mrgreen 8) = what

  6. joy says:

    yeah it’s not estore i have a ton of exrta rooms i am so going to make one.

  7. gumdrop hop hop says:

    I have a lot of things in this theme already.
    I am saving my kinzcash for the bed and i already have 2 of the chairs.
    THANK YOU SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO much, webkinz for not making this e-store. :) ;) 8)

  8. lucky64girl says:

    i have found patty and have 7 clovers i have 6 accounts that is why add me they are meggywoo , meggywoo44uu , meggywoo067 , lucky64girl (the one i use most) , luckyandbo101 , plus one i cannot give out add my sisters to MOLIB001012290LY88 and, haley0678)

  9. lucky64girl says:

    8)im so happy :mrgreen:hello who wants 2 add me ;) *<:) hello peoples :P :O :) =o

  10. Princess says:

    How many of u people have fond Patty?

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