We’re Changing the Face of Webkinz!




Nuts and Bolts have been busy Beavers, working really hard on some big, exciting changes to Kinzville!

To celebrate their progress, Nuts and Bolts want you to watch out for their floating icons in Webkinz World from September 26th to October 16th! Click on them once per day to win some awesome prizes that MIGHT give you some clues about our BIG surprise!

Super excited to discover what’s happening? Then make sure to log in on Wednesday, October 17th for a major announcement!

28 Responses to We’re Changing the Face of Webkinz!

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    Oooo what is it???

  2. sonici says:

    Really?? COOOL **~**Sonici**~**

  3. mattyboo1 says:

    oh my gosh i cannot wait

  4. ~*Green Zebra*~my sig. aint working says:

    ohhhh i cant wait!!!!!!!:-) ;-) ~GZ~

  5. Ally says:

    Sounds really cool! (: CAn’t wait to se the big surprize! :D

  6. hi says:

    OMG! i wanna know soooooo badly!

  7. SoccerLapras20886 says:

    I already won a gold worker’s helmet! $SoccerLapras20886$

  8. lilspring says:

    I wonder if the pieces of road have anything to do with what they are changing. lilspring

  9. Lily says:

    I know what they’re working on the haunted house thing it was in the news and I am pretty sure i’m right.

  10. lotr fan says:

    SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!! ~lotr~

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