What to do in the Big City

Since I am the school council president, Ms. Cowoline has given me a really important job for our school trip to the Big City. I’m helping to plan out our activities. This is a really big responsibility – I want to be sure that whatever we do is fun and exciting, but also safe and especially educational. That’s a pretty big task.

I thought that a wonderful cultural experience that would also be fun and entertaining would be to attend a play while we’re there. There are so many great plays in the Big City. Stoogles thought a musical would be a good choice and I agree.

There’s also a fantastic science centre and right now they are having an exhibit called: Energy, Past, Present and Future. Again, educational AND fun! Totally fits the bill.

There is also an art gallery in the Big City. I know art can be tough because everyone has different tastes, but apparently this gallery has a really neat sculpture garden with all sorts of cool modern sculptures. Doesn’t that sound kinda cool? Stoogles loved the idea, but Purr-cilla was all like, “BOOORING!” I don’t care – I’m putting it on the list.

I also have to come up with some restaurant selections for our meals. The Big City is famous for its pizza and almost everybody likes pizza, but Purr-cilla said that she could have that any time and she wasn’t going to waste her time in the Big City eating pizza.  I guess she’s got a point. There is a very well known seafood restaurant by the water, but again she just went “Seafood? Blech!”

I’m not exactly sure now why I decided to work on this in the School Council lounge. Maybe I’ll finish my list later. At home.

21 Responses to What to do in the Big City

  1. Smarticles says:

    I wonder why Salley gets to decides EVERYTHING. In my student council, the president does as much stuff as the rest of us, like there is no president. Friends me. My username is ace5710. $$$Smarticles$$$

  2. lovepuppygirl says:


  3. Thuderspark17...I LOVE ART MUSEUMS!!! Purrcilla is a brat says:

    Im so happy! Thats sounds a lot like Atlanta! We have the high museum of art. And as for Purrcilla…PESSIMIST ALERT!!! I dont know why she wants to be so critical and pessimistic about everything. That ruins everyones, including her, fun. But anyways, have fun in the big city! Its good that YOU get field trips…sigh.

  4. shadow dragon says:

    has anyone noticed that Salley’s eye color is different from each other?

  5. cathouse2 says:

    Salley does not like fish? I did not know that. Oh well. I hope everything goes good for you Salley! >> cathouse2

    • MDIChickadee says:

      cathouse2 – I think it is Purr-Cilla who does not like fish. I do not know if Salley likes it or not. All the best! MDIChickadee P.S. I was surprised to hear about this trip to the Big City – I thought it was too expensive. Did I miss a post? Thanks!

  6. jennifer says:

    How about someplace with a food court? That way there’s usually something for everybody. jennifer

  7. oscrgrchy says:

    Why not go to someplace that has a food court kind of set up where people can choose what kind of food they like and the sitting to eat is in the middle with the resteraunts all around it. I went to one and It was really cool because it was international foods so you could have dinner and dessert from two different countries. I would love to go again but it is 2 hour drive from here so it is only special times we go.

    • oscrgrchy says:

      What a great idea! Most people can find SOMETHING to eat in a food court. And those who cannot might usually bring their own food. There is a girl in my Girl Scout troop who always brings her own food so that she does not get sick from food allergies. All the best! MDIChickadee

  8. MDIChickadee says:

    How about you canvas people, ask them a) Have they been to the Big City and, if yes, then b) What did they do there that they liked best? And what food did they think was the best there? If no, then is it b) What do you think you might want to do there, from what you have heard of the place and what food do you think you might want to eat there? There are allergies to almost everything, so maybe more than one place to eat would be good. How long do you have there? Is it a day trip? Or over night? Or several days? Then think about how long each activity would take. And how many people it can hold (does the whole school go? That might be a lot of people of many different ages? Or is it just some of the older classes?) Perhaps you could send some to the Science exhibit, and some to the Art exhibit, and some to another place? Or pick two places and swap off morning and afternoon. A play in the evening … Something good to eat between afternoon and evening … Lots of choices. Good luck! Remember: not everyone will be happy, but most will. All the best! MDIChickadee

  9. TaraStarShine says:

    Those are really good ideas Salley! ( I hate to say it though, Purr-Cilla was right, they could go to the Big City, but how to pay for it…, I think you should choose a food that people are not allergic too. Like cheese with pizza, I can’t eat cheese unless I eat gelatin afterwards, and my sister will blow up if she doesn’t have a lactade before and afterwards. And seafood. I love seafood but my sister can’t eat seafood or she will get red eyes and be really sick. Maybe you could ask your parents for a few ideas! Chow! ~* TaraStarShine~*

  10. stylegirl12 says:

    hey well have fun in the city, guys! and Purr-cilla is just a spoiled brat! don’t mind her at all! *stylegirl12*

    • HarryPotterDaleks says:

      Those are some good ideas, Salley! I’m sure you will find a restaurant that suits everyone, and the science centre sounds like fun- science is, and undeniably, forever will be, awesome. :D

      • sparklegirlLT says:

        NY is like the best place ever kk! I love to shop there too. Anyway, your ideas are great Salley. I know that you can make everything work out in the end. And have fun! :D ~(*)sparklegirlLT(*)

        • Orange Starburst says:

          I agree. I LUV SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look on my Webkinz account & you’ll see. *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

          • Orange Starburst says:

            Why wouldn’t Purr-Cilla like fish?????? She IS a cat. She just wants 2 b super annoying 2 Salley. Poor Salley. *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

    • Dragonfish says:

      Stylegirl112 is right, don’t listen to Purr-Cilla. Although I do have to agree that going to an art museum might be boring (sorry). Going to see a play and going to the science museum would be REALLY fun, though. I love to go to science museums. Good Luck! (*(*dragonfish*)*)

      • Styx fan 101...what type of big city? says:

        There are two types of big cities, New York style, or Boston style. Whichever one you chose to like, it’s all a matter whether you want street signs on every corner, or a place to park the family car.

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