Today is the final day of Webkinz’s 10th anniversary, 10 days of celebration! Each day, players have been receiving time capsules, remembering events in Webkinz World from years past.
These amazing time capsules have each been accompanied by a poem, addressed to Ms. Birdy, from “Your Secret Admirer”.
Each time capsule contained an item representing a special event from that year, along with a piece of a floor puzzle that could be used to discover the identity of Ms. Birdy’s secret admirer.
Click through the following images to see all of the time capsules, their items, and the poem that came with them.
At the end, Ms. Birdy’s secret admirer will finally be revealed!
I new it. I new it. :D
I KNEW it was Dr. Quack.
Very sweet indeed. I did say Quack would be back. This is a great way for that prediction to come true!
What an awesome beginning for webkinz!!! A great love story. Hope they have a big wedding and lots of kids!!!!
yeah!! So excited it was Dr Quack. woohoo way to go
The last capsule was the absolute cutest thing I’ve ever seen in Webkinz World. I loved this little adventure and I miss Dr. Quack dearly. I’ve been on Webkinz since 2007 and Dr. Quack was always so kind and Ms. Birdy was always so adorable with the way she’d get excited about you adopting a new Webkinz. I’m so happy these two got together, but I’m sad that it happened after Dr. Quack left Webkinz World.
Yay! I guessed right too! I still can’t believe the internet was out all day when it was time for capsule #4 :( Both my friend and I couldn’t get it. Is there anyone who would be willing to trade for it? I have lots of stuff.
Does Capsule 4 have the top puzzle piece and the Stadium Podium? I have a spare of that piece and a podium if you’d like them! I’m singing2birds. :)
Yes that’s the one! I’ll add you, my user is mintfudge. Now I only need to find the pieces for my friend too! Thanks!
Awesome!!! I accepted your friend-request and sent those items to you! :) And it was my pleasure! I’m glad I could help! Good luck finding those other pieces! :)
Thank you so much! I hope you like the gift I sent to return the favor! :D
I LOVED the gift you sent me!!! It completely made my day!! Thank you so much! :D
At first we didn’t understand why Ganz was retiring Dr- I mean, Quincy Quack, but now it’s so clear! Kinzville did loose a doctor, but did gain one happy couple and get rid of annoying trips to the clinic! Can’t wait to see them walking down the aisles!
Thanks Ganz for the time capsules!:) I solved the puzzle!!!:)
YAAAAAAA!!!!! that is sooooooo cool that Dr. Quack likes Mrs. Birdy.