Who is Ms. Birdy’s Secret Admirer?


Today is the final day of Webkinz’s 10th anniversary, 10 days of celebration! Each day, players have been receiving time capsules, remembering events in Webkinz World from years past.


These amazing time capsules have each been accompanied by a poem, addressed to Ms. Birdy, from “Your Secret Admirer”.



Each time capsule contained an item representing a special event from that year, along with a piece of a floor puzzle that could be used to discover the identity of Ms. Birdy’s secret admirer.


Click through the following images to see all of the time capsules, their items, and the poem that came with them.


At the end, Ms. Birdy’s secret admirer will finally be revealed!


161 Responses to Who is Ms. Birdy’s Secret Admirer?

  1. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    LOVE IS IN THE AIR… ~Hug a Pug~

  2. awebunnys says:

    OMG! Did anyone realize they get MARRIED?? -AWEBUNNYS

  3. aleberle says:


  4. Lilly1 says:

    I think Mr Moo would be GOOD CHOICE

  5. luvteh says:

    oh no!! D: i missed the last day… i couldnt get on webkins because i was out with my cousins :( how am i supposed to get the last piece of the puzzle/tree? am i supposed to buy it????? auuugh this stinks…

  6. liloldlady12 says:

    I am so happy that Dr. Quack and Ms. Birdy are getting together,true love wins .

  7. Webkinzlover924 says:

    Sad ting is It’s not DR quack it’s MR quack now :(

  8. CatHeart says:

    I knew it! it was pretty ovious

  9. LalasCrafts4ACure says:

    Does anyone have a few extra of the year one and two capsule prize (the tree and gem cart)? Me and my sis missed those days. My un is lalascraftsforacure and hers is puppypuppy88844888. Thanks!

  10. oreo2000880 says:

    pooh i missed year 1. is there a way to get them still

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