Who’s Ready for a Family Vacation?


If you could take your Webkinz family on a vacation, where would you go?




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30 Responses to Who’s Ready for a Family Vacation?

  1. MoxieMadrina says:

    My family is saving to go to Hawaii. We were hoping to go this year, but a family member’s illness has put things on hold for a while. We want all four generations able to enjoy the trip.

  2. kethryvertis says:

    Personally, I don’t actually travel much, but….I’d like to pitch my hat at Switzerland. I’ve seen it plenty on TV shows, movies, and pictures. My impression is there’s a LOT of different types of land/regions there. Snowy mountains, lakes/rivers, valleys that give access to many different activities (water sports, air activities, skiing, etc etc). And, I’ve heard that the place is temperate / not too hot and not too cold.

  3. OtterPikaLove says:

    Rhode Island

  4. BH1464 says:

    I would love to vacation in Italy!

  5. webkinzwizard02 says:

    I really hope this is a new property type! We could really use some beautiful palm trees to make a beach style home. I love all the short little tropical plants pictured, as well as the building. In addition to a beachfront island property, I’d love to see a fall leaves and snowy ground option that we can keep year round for our different yards.

  6. mrmic5 says:

    This would be awesome to have this game. I would love to go to Australia, Ireland, Germany, France or Japan ..

  7. kkat says:

    I would go to Hawaii and then to Alaska and western Canada!

  8. kalcan8 says:

    We are not beach people (I am pale and burn like a lobster!) We would probably take our webbies to some of our favorite hiking trails in the mountains. We love checking out woodland streams and waterfalls. There are so many beautiful spots in New England, with covered bridges and gorgeous fall foliage (in about a month and a half!) Anywhere lush and green with running water is nice and soothing! (Although Paris is on my bucket list because I am learning French. Maybe someday my webbies and I can see the Louvre, or the Eiffel Tower.)

    • kalcan8 says:

      Ooooo… maybe my webbies would like a cruise! I have never been on one. I get seasick on fishing docks and boats, so I am afraid to try a cruise ship. :-/

      • BH1464 says:

        I’ve been told that if you go on one of the really huge cruise ships you can’t even feel the water’s motion and won’t get seasick. I’ve never been on a cruise either. I can’t swim. (Even though I’ve been through lessons with the Red Cross as well as lessons with a professional swim coach.) I can’t bring myself to go on a cruise because I’m terrified of being stranded in the water due to sinking when I’m unable to swim. In my mind it makes perfect sense. Although others have said it makes no sense to them. lol

    • BH1464 says:

      I’m pale and burn like a lobster too. Then I peel and have even more freckles every time. So, I really try to avoid the sun as much as possible. lol

      • kalcan8 says:

        Hi @BH1464! We should make a club! My mom is even paler than I am, and literally burns in 10 minutes. She has freckles year-round. Thankfully, my dad is darker and usually just tans. I fall somewhere in the middle, taking after my mom a bit more. I hate the peeling, but I don’t mind the freckles. There are so many freckles this time of year for me that my arms almost look tan, spotty, but tan. LOL! Oh, and as for the cruise ship, I LOVE the water. I am a water baby and swim like a dolphin, and can enjoy the ocean waves for hours, but for some reason feel sick while sitting on the water. I know people who saved for a “trip-of-a-lifetime” cruise, only to need to visit the ship’s doctor shortly after the voyage was underway and then slept through the majority of their dream vacation. I don’t want to risk it. Can you float on your back, or doggie paddle? Floating is very relaxing if you can manage it. Please don’t give up on swimming! It can be awesome! Maybe try your local YMCA for lessons like my family members did. They have all levels, and they are very patient. *sending water wings your way* :-D

  9. snowflake1311 says:

    Will Next be getting some more locations anytime soon? I think it would be really nice to have more places to go in next.

  10. alaynaj1212 says:

    These promo pics are so cute! I hope this is hinting at a new property type or location in Next.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I second this!!! If they ever have a season that includes a new property type like this or just introduces this to the Wshop, I would be sold and get it right away. I also think it would be amazing too if this is introducing Vacation Island to Next.

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