Windows on the World Boxes Now Opened for Everyone!

Great newz! The Window on the World gifts that Webkinz Mobile users received a few months ago are now available to everyone!



If you were using the unopened boxes as decorations in your room already, visit your room to see the awesome new items there for you to enjoy. If you left the original Gift Box in your Dock, check there for all the Window on the World items.


If you LOVED the unopened boxes as they were and want to keep using them in your room as decorations, we’ve got more awesome newz: you can now purchase 3 different unopened boxes in the W Shop and they work as storage! Cool!



Enjoy your new items!




81 Responses to Windows on the World Boxes Now Opened for Everyone!

  1. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    Ah…I was wondering where I got that bed and dresser

  2. challenger14 says:

    Can someone please tell me if this option is still available? I would love to have the walls and bed and everything…

  3. magikal says:

    Thanks! I don’t have access to mobile and I love the new prizes!

  4. otissandra says:

    Wow! This is really cool! I SERIOUSLY want the mobile app but I can’t get it because google play doesn’t work on my device or iTunes so I was sooo mad but then you released them to us!! Yay! I used these to make a travel/guest room, you know like suitcases and stuff because the bed is a suitcase and stuff.

  5. terri824 says:

    Wow, these are fabulous! Thank you so much Ganz!

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