Windows on the World Boxes Now Opened for Everyone!

Great newz! The Window on the World gifts that Webkinz Mobile users received a few months ago are now available to everyone!



If you were using the unopened boxes as decorations in your room already, visit your room to see the awesome new items there for you to enjoy. If you left the original Gift Box in your Dock, check there for all the Window on the World items.


If you LOVED the unopened boxes as they were and want to keep using them in your room as decorations, we’ve got more awesome newz: you can now purchase 3 different unopened boxes in the W Shop and they work as storage! Cool!



Enjoy your new items!




81 Responses to Windows on the World Boxes Now Opened for Everyone!

  1. ginger55 says:

    Thks so much, too cool

  2. ImaPepper says:

    This is so cool–the best of both worlds! Thanks, Ganz!

  3. warriors2002 says:

    Yes! I had an iPad, but it was first generation and incapable of having the Webkinz app on there. Now I can enjoy these fantastic prizes! :D

  4. SignatureIsland says:

    Congrats to those who couldn’t open before! You guys are lucky!

  5. arzi02 says:

    Woo hoo!! Yeah!!!!! (I’m dancing right now.) XD

  6. Jessmine2 says:

    Very nice! Thank you! Love the wall paper and globe prizes. And love that we can buy the boxes for storage.

  7. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Awesome! I got webkinz mobile a few weeks ago and they opened and I kinda didn’t want them open. I liked the items but I’m glad you can buy the boxes at the wshop!

  8. Moose123 says:

    Thank you! This is very cool!

  9. fisher420wk says:

    I will buy all 3 boxes

  10. RockRfox says:

    I already had these from the mobile, but I think it’s wonderful that you opened them for everyone! Also, I think making the unopened boxes available to buy is a great idea – now I can make a mail room! Thank you!

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