Winterfest is Coming!









Winterfest is one of Webkinz World’s favorite events. Everyone loves trying to catch the falling snowflakes. If YOU see a snowflake, be sure to click on it and you’ll get a prize. There are five new prizes – you’re going to LOVE them! Winterfest is running from January 7-13, so be sure to visit every day and watch for snowflakes!

25 Responses to Winterfest is Coming!

  1. Dizzy says:

    Wow – VERY disappointing – no new room decor items?!?!?!
    I will be skipping winterfest this year – don’t care at all about clothing and food.

  2. Cinderpelt says:

    Yahoo!!!! :lol: How sweet ;) I always love free prizes, and these look really cool! I’ll be defenatly looking forward to Winterfest… :mrgreen:


  3. PrincessLunaIsDaBomb says:

    Winterfest sounds like so much fun!

  4. vaquitanine says:

    i love winterfest!!!!! i am so seems like the 7 is so far away!
    love peace and happiness vaquitanine

  5. blahblah says:

    YAY!!! winterfest is coming. im so excited. seems like the 7th would never come!!! :lol: :D

  6. SapphireSea says:

    Yay! Now we have Winterfest AND new challenges!

  7. lilspring says:

    I can’t hardly wait I love winterfest. I like sitting in the park with friends and makeing up song while we wait for the snowflakes or do snowflake dances to make it snow and laughing the whole time. aka twister

  8. gymdog says:

    can’t wait!

  9. LemonCandy etc. says:

    i love winter fest!!! i will be watching for snowflakes on the 7th! ;)

  10. Tiffany says:

    Ganz says it all the time… WINTERFEST IS COMING!!! But I am excited.


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