Winterfest is Coming!









Winterfest is one of Webkinz World’s favorite events. Everyone loves trying to catch the falling snowflakes. If YOU see a snowflake, be sure to click on it and you’ll get a prize. There are five new prizes – you’re going to LOVE them! Winterfest is running from January 7-13, so be sure to visit every day and watch for snowflakes!

25 Responses to Winterfest is Coming!

  1. dune girl says:

    who ever says there missing winterfest cause they think their just getting food is crazy!! You get the best stuff!!! It’s my favorite of all the festivals cause I LOVE the clothes and items and food. You get all different kinds of things. You should try it before you say ur not going to participate. Jesus Rocks!! I love christmas and the reason for the season..

  2. Sugalicious says:

    Is it the 7th yet???

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I can`t wait!!!

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