Wintermint Husky Winners

Congratulations to Twinkle1521, kiwi2004, rosyposy707, icky3 and Bearclaw22! They’ve each been sent an Adoption Code for a Wintermint Husky, January’s Pet of the Month.

Adopt the Wintermint Husky any time in January to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special gift you choose yourself.

Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

36 Responses to Wintermint Husky Winners

  1. glitchwave says:

    woohoo, congrats winners!!

  2. Puppy789 says:

    Congratulations everyone! I hope anyone who hasn’t won yet will win next time! Also, will there be a pet design contest this year?

  3. sonicblue says:


  4. Pinkipenny says:

    Congrats winners!

  5. annm2990 says:

    Congrats, everyone! What a pretty pet.

  6. kri402 says:

    Congratulations! Happy New Year!

  7. Peaches1018 says:

    congrats to the winners :)

  8. dixiecup says:

    ROSYPOSY!! OMG, FoxesRule!! you WON!! And it couldn’t be a nicer pet!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you </3

  9. jammershark9127 says:

    Congrats everyone!

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