You Spoke and We Listened – Rename Your Rooms!


We are pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, starting tomorrow you will be able to customize Room names in your Pet’s House!



And it couldn’t be easier! All you do is go into your House and choose the ‘House Map’ in the top left corner. Then click on ‘Name Your Room.’ You will be prompted to select the room you would like to name. A text window will open and you can type in whatever name you would like for your pet’s room.



Whether it’s Salley’s Creative Nook, Cowabelle’s School of Theatrical Arts, or even Stoogles’ Disco Dance Floor, now you can name your room to fit its use exactly and change it up whenever you decide to repurpose your space.


We can’t wait to hear some of the fun new Room names you come up with!

196 Responses to You Spoke and We Listened – Rename Your Rooms!

  1. JAZZY41ONE says:

    I am so happy to hear this newz! I cannot wait to change my rooms appropriately to fit the themes I have chosen!

  2. DworkinBarimen says:

    Yeah!!! I can’t wait!!! I could never figure out why this was taken away in the first place. I only got to name a couple of my rooms myself before the choices were restricted. I know part of it had to do with certain words not being allowed, but sometimes it wouldn’t let you use normal words that had certain sequences of letters. Thank you for letting us do this again.

  3. auntmargie says:

    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!

  4. americasgal says:

    You are the best I have been wanting this for a long time!

  5. Webkinz User says:


  6. Serena100 says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for listening. I have been longing for this to happen.

  7. Xena2011 says:

    Thank you for finally allowing us to name our rooms what we want. Would you please change the old arcade games back to all players instead of deluxe only? I’m unable to complete challenges or adventure park on some of my accounts due to the fact that some of the old arcade games were changed from all players to deluxe only. I would also like for you to please fix my page. I have been unable to do anything on it for almost 2 years.

  8. RockinRobin1965 says:

    Finally!!! Thank you very much for doing this. I’ve been wanting to name my rooms unique/different names & not pre-programmed names since I started webkinz in 2008. Now can you please fix the my page, I’ve been wanting to change out rooms for almost 2 years now & have been unable to do so because of it being messed up. I like my rooms & like being able show off as many rooms at a time as possible & like switching them out on a regular basis. I would also like more pages added to my page so that we can show off as many or as few of our rooms as we wish, if we want to show off 12 rooms, then we can do that, if we want to show off 100 or so rooms, we can do that too, we can keep adding or subtracting pages to our my page depending on how many rooms we want to show. I also want the older arcade games changed back to all players, some of my accounts are deluxe & some are not, I’m unable to complete adventure park on some of my accounts now due to the fact that they were changed from all players to deluxe only players.

  9. Brumno says:

    This is great. I can’t wait to get started tomorrow. THANK YOU WEBKINZ

  10. catladyinpajamas says:

    Awesome!! I can’t wait to use it I have so many rooms! I have rooms that still have my made up name from when it was here before. I have more than 75 rooms. Thank you for that extra work you put into bringing this back!! catladyinpajamas

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